Stata import multiple excel files loop But first, I would like to create a new column to append the respective sheet name to each dataframe (i. They have wide format. I'm not sure why but the loop doesn't save the file. Lisa, see -xls2dta- from the SSC for a canned solution. Importing all files containing specific names in subfolders of a folder. txt" Then . Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. If you want to export multiple tables to a PDF file, you would use the putpdf begin, putpdf collect, and collect style putpdf commands in a similar manner. txt. You can browse but not post. I wish to import each file, then generate an `id' variable with values all equal to the file name 1, 2, and 4, for all observations in the file, respectively. First, we will generate a temporary file called master. dta file. xlsx,describe forvalues sheet=1/=r(N_worksheet)' { local sheetname=r(worksheet_sheet') import excel using EXCLENAME. glob() is another possibility - it's sole purpose is globbing or wildcard expansion. With os. import excel "/Amenities_Data_2011/Andhra Pradesh. Given messes in Does this work for you: # This will give you a vector of the names of files in your current directory # (where I've assumed the directory contains only the files you want to read) data. xls;*. The idea is to have one Excel workbook _excel_file. excel_files_are local files : dir . The code you run -as currently written- is going to (for each file in files) import the file as the current file, do nothing else, then open the next file as the current file. LOGIC: Loop through the directory which has text files; Open the file and read it in one go into an array and then close the file. 2) using regular expressions: If file. This example will populate this table by reading three different Excel files having the same layout. Best Daniel -- Hi all, I need to import many excel files that each have multiple worksheets and then append them. xlsx("FILE. , even cellrange(A1:B2) fails with a 'file too big' error). g. The number (and names) of the sheets of each file is saved in r(). xlsx, 2. Code - myList = {'fileOne', 'fileTwo', 'fileThree'} import importLib gbl = globals() for toImport in myList: moduleToImport = import excel using file. Join Date: Jun 2019; Posts: 55 #1 Importing multiple excel files 09 Jul 2019, 19:30. dta,replace } else { append 地市县财政统计_2007. 4. Third, you cannot name an object with a number, Step 1: Use a VBA macro (in Access) to extract the tables into sheets in an Excel workbook; Step 2: Use another VBA macro (in Excel) to clean the variables for STATA import ; Step 3: Use the plugin xls2dta (in STATA) to merge the sheets into a single . dta save At the end of this code all of the files will have been merged into a single file in active memory, which you can then, again "put finishing touches on," if appropriate, and save as a permanent file. Could you please help debug the issue? The following is my code: // step 1: cd "C:\Users\pc1\Desktop\trd" local files : dir "C:\Users\pc1\Desktop\trd" files "*. Also, if you have many excel files and they don't always have the same sheets, readxl:: (myDir) # declare empty list allFiles <- list() # loop through the files in myDir for Import multiple sheets from excel spreadsheet into r. A folder or directory prefix should be given for files outside the current directory. listdir, you can use fnmatch to filter files like this (can use a regex too);. Mohsin Javed. However, it is likely possible with the dta option and Stata's newer export excel command. The value labels that -encode- creates depends entirely on the particular numerical values that occur within each file, and when you then append the files together, the labelings may be inconsistent and the result I just downloaded 100+ excel files. I suppose this probably makes sense if Stata has to load the entire Excel file in order to find some subset -- when Stata initially inspects the file it is either too big or not. dta saved varlist required r(100); Here is the code: import excel using "my_file. read_excel(open(file, 'rb'), sheetname = 'Sheet1') """ Do your thing to file """ Cleanest way to apply the same code to multiple CSV/txt files with different "import" options, and then combine the results into a single Stata file? so I prefer to save/tempfile the latter, but the code is the same for all of the files so I could just plug it into the loop. You can use a loop for that. Copy path. The logic of the loop depends on there being no data set in active memory at the start when you -save `building', emptyok-. No announcement yet // BUILD A LIST OF THE TABS import excel using my_excel_file. dta (i. csv" foreach file of local satafiles {preserve insheet using `file',delimiter( ; ) names clear save temp,replace restore append using temp, force} It works, but I need to do two more things: Main directory with Excel files converted to dta files. I have managed to append them for the first sheet in each Excel-file, however, I do not understand/manage to figure out how I can generate a loop so Stata includes all sheets in Hi There, I am trying to write a loop to import many different files into stata. I will appreciate there's a code to run this. If it was me, I would start converting all excel files to dta. However, Stata "forgets" the names of all the temporary files that were created (`temp1', `temp2' ) as soon as those lines of code are executed. (I write many file/folder names here. I have about 51 files that vary in the number of sheets each one has. Regards Please run set trace on and try to follow what the program you're running is doing. I'm writing a stata program accessing multiple sheets in an excel file, after my operation on them, I try to save the result, but it shows that the sheet name does not exist (Cabo not found, r(111)) my code is like this:clear foreach sheet in "Cabo" "Ga" "Inha" { import excel using "filename. I am trying to do import excel using "\Data\a b From Anees Abdul Pari < [email protected] > To "[email protected]" < [email protected] >Subject st: problems importing multiple excel sheets into stata: Date Tue, 9 Jul 2013 07:13:33 +0000 Please help us help you. I should export dta files the sample size of which is greater than 30. I'm trying to loop through files in the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages -- all the files for a year are downloaded into one of my folders (all metro areas in the US). csv" // Save name of all files in folder ending with . If you want the same effect as import <modulename>, then one way to do it would be to import the module using importlib. xlsx). I don't use xls2dta (from SSC, as you are asked to explain), so you may get a better answer from those familiar with that command. The naming conventions for these files are slightly odd in that they have two components (or three depending on how you look at it): Name of the state and corresponding Month (which also has an alphabet associated with). Pandas : Import multiple excel files in a single data frame, perform operations one by one and print the output in a single csv file. Loop through to Import Multiple Excel Files and convert each workbook in a file to . X. files "*. import delimited myfilename. See help on dir or ls for listing the names of files with more detailed information. Issues with macros and variables when reading multiple CSV files one after another. I want to make a single dta file for each firm or file which has the same name as the excel file. I have all the quote stuff when you define your local macros and limit the quote when you reference your local macros in the loops 2. Dear Statalist members, I would like to loop through a list of approximately 500 items. Hi, I need to append 60-ish Excel-files with multiple sheets into one . read_excel(path[i]) temp_final=temp import of files (markdown, excel, doc,). Then you can use a loop to append all dta files. xls, firstrow sheet(`i') clear //import each sheet in turn tempfile john`i' //create a temporary file to save imported from each sheet save john`i', replace //save This example uses SQL Server back-end as the destination and Excel 97-2003 format . 1. Stata Import File - Troubleshooting. xlsx'): pd. I am trying to import data from raw survey instruments, and that involves extracting datapoints from the same cells in many different (around 300) excel sheets divided in 21 excel files. xls Following code is a simple sub routine to open all excel files in a defined folder. csv) That will read all the files of the form data[x]. You should use If statement to check if last 4 characters are . xlsx", firstrow clear gen year = "`file'" append using "`file'. Stata has (virtually) no limit for observations, irrespective of flavor (IC, SE, MP) and even if there was such a limit, it would bite whether you load a file at once or append it step by step, because either way the resulting final dataset would contain too many I have multiple excel files, I have tried to use readxl and map to import it to R. You can use asdocx for this. How to build a loop to import many dataframes and modify them in In this case, I would append a letter to the column name (e. csv"), read. is an excellent article by Tim Smith on extracting data from multiple Excel files and/or multiple sheets. You can adjust your file names in variable. I have a folder called 2015 and the files look like the following Loop through to Import Multiple Excel Files and convert each workbook in a file to . The files represent a time of 25 years, with each month represented in one file. All these files are similar in terms of dimension: the same number of rows and columns. Depending on specifics, you can use loops to automate some of this. Second, you are using the variable i to loop, then assigning the dataframe to i, then looping with i again, and assigning to i again, overwriting i in every loop; that's the reason your are getting only the last excel data. ) Note that I separate the sub-folders with three dashes ("---") because some of the files and sub-sub-folders have spaces in their names. The string variables are as follows: Hello STATA users, I have 16 excel files which I would like to import, perform some recodings and then save. clear local satafiles: dir . Location as shown in screenshot #1. xls, firstrow clear cap import excel using test. The easiest way us to use the menu up at the top to import your data. xls", sheet("MySheet") firstrow sort PersonID Place bysort PersonID (Place): gen mix = Place[1] != Concerning the file conversion, xls2dta is a simple wrapper for import excel, so you would need to convert to Excel first. csv, clear However, I now have a list of files with varying names. I have a situation where I need to import all the files in a directory and append them. You can do it in two ways: 1) If Right(file. here there were 3 only import excel using project_data. The second time thru the loop Stata will not import the next Excel sheet, because the one imported before is still in memory. Show the code you ran using capture noisily that "does not work". ExcelFile(File) xlsx_file # View the excel files sheet names xlsx_file. xlsx", sheet("Village_Data_0100") . I want to bring them into Stata with -import excel- in a loop, but they are password protected (I have the password). Trying to create a loop using the Otherwise, it follows file specifications. xls" local files : subinstr local files ". One additional caution: If you ultimately want to have numeric variables with value labels created by -encode-, do not do the encoding separately in each file. dta file import excel File > Import > Excel spreadsheet (*. clear all set more off local mysheets 1996 2000 2003 2007 2008 2010 local indices index1 index2 index3 foreach sheetname of local mysheets { import excel "C:\stata\Data. "D") and then reshape from wide to long (or just keep it wide) after importing into Stata. – Nick Cox Load each file into Stata and then export into an Excel sheet. Dear All, Suppose that I have the following 3 files (in fact, about 4,000 similar files). local myfilelist : dir . Loop that imports/edit/save excel files, error: generated "variable already exists" 10 Nov 2023, 07:28. I tried around a lot with this, included the . From: Nick Cox <[email protected]> Prev by Date: st: Multiple Sequential Merges; Next by Date: Re: st: Calculating days between starts in MLB. *Set this path to an example folder on your computer local folder "C:\Users\username\myfolder" ***** *Prepare Excel example file ***** *Use built in example data sysuse auto, clear *Rename all files but ID var make foreach var of varlist _all { if "`var'"!="make" rename `var' `var'_ex } *save in excel format export excel "`folder'/autoexcel. However, I want to loop through a folder and only import a selection of the files. xlsx) files" You can get around this limitation by saving the file as csv (e. Appending datasets by matched variables. Add columns to How to import data from excel file with multiple sheets into stataimport excel "file location", sheet("Sheet1") firstrowimport excel "file location", sheet(" Hello, I have a . Is there a way to efficiently import these labels from the Excel file into Stata, 23 Aug 2024, 09:48. Open the Loop First, the scope of i is only inside the for-loop so you will never get the dataframe out of the loop with i. I am able to convert the first three Here is one approach where I suggest some best practices that I would use when doing this. I am trying to create a loop to retrieve every sheet of data to be able to save it as . xlsx, describe local at the individual data set level. xlsx) files directly using the import excel command. In general, you should be able to use Stata’s functions and loops to efficiently import data. Option reset starts a new table. dta files. Specifically, the excel file looks like this: I want to save the first 7 columns as a stata file, the columns 10-16 as a stata file, and the columns 19-25 as a stata file, etc. xls", sheet(`sheetname') firstrow clear foreach index of local indices{ tobit theta index, ll(0) ul(1) outreg using "C:\stata\results. I have to import specific columns only. Due to your kind help I managed to save them in dta. The code for cleaning the Excel file of 1998 and storing it as a dta file was just before the loop code. xlsx", I suspect that this may actually be an -append- problem rather than a -merge- problem, notwithstanding Maarten's excellent advice. if in row 1: month = 04, year = 2017, product = 1, then use "04_2017_1. xls , clear save WEIGHTS. * Sort file to make this reproducible as row order is used when expertiong the file isid <IDVARIABLE>, sort // Sorting like this guarantees a unique sort order * Loop over lower bounds forvalues lower = 1(1000)50000 { * Calulate upper bounds local upper = `lower' + 999 * Export Mike, have a look at the saved results from -import excel- with -describe- option. files = list. (I believe import excel is available in Stata 14). For instance, each Excel file has 10 sheets (different format), but the 10 sheets of an Excel file have the same names and format as <> I've never gotten -odbc- to work nicely with the Mac version (I suspect this is due to using 3rd party/free drivers), so I usually use Roger Newson's -stcmd- (from SSC) to automate using the program StatTransfer to convert the excel files to comma/tab delimited James _____ From: [email protected] [[email protected]] On Behalf Of David Kantor [[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 8:04 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: st: password protection and -import excel- At 11:08 AM 6/28/2012, Clyde Schechter wrote: >I have been given some data to analyze in the form of several Excel >files. xls and . Question Hey folks, If I manually import the files into STATA and then save them, it works fine. clear local pathdir "Data\RawData\edd" local Appending multiple Excel sheets in a dataset. I am trying to append multiple Excel files into a large database by executing the following code: Extension of Excel files remains when doing an import loop in Stata. dta) files into single file. import fnmatch import os for file in os. dta merge 1:1 ID using AE , generate(_mergeAE) merge Hi Stata people, My several excel files are appended into a single DTA file from The most effective way to do that is to import each of these files into a Stata data set. I would appreciate any tips. So, you need to import all your Excel/csv files, save them with different names, and then merge them together. dta import excel using C:\Stata\WEIGHTS. do. listdir('my_directory'): if fnmatch. xls county1-year1975. dta files together into one dataset. 1 on Windows 11 (12 GB RAM), and I've noticed that the putexcel command doesn't reliably transfer the results from Stata commands into Excel spreadsheets when there are many loops and results to write and when the file size is too big (see code below; this code runs for about 24 hours on my computer). dta-file. Extract and convert all Excel worksheets into CSV files using PowerShell. Import excel file with variables month, year, product, etc. To actually import the files listed in the files local, we’ll do a couple of things. You makes your Hi Stata, I have multiple files in xlsx and xlsm, and I wanted to append them using a loop in Stata 14. Show us what Stata told you when you ran it. Each file has two columns: Name and Code. Can someone help? Each file is called REPORT1 etc and runs to REPORT67. It is probably easier to just write the loop for importing import excel using "Z:\HigherEducation_Inequality\INEI`x'_t. If you want to keep on adding regressions to the same table, then do not add the option reset. One option you can consider is to use the Import Table feature in Loop. Is it possible to join the data year by year into a single STATA dat file from the EXCEL file. S. import excel using 2007年市县一般预算平衡表. However, I was only able to do it I get all the files from my project folder and create an empty list for looping purposes files <- list. Put Excel Loop in Stata. xls , clear save AE. xlsx files. dta files as an automatic process. txt) files to multi-sheet Excel (. I did not put clear before running the loop. See this example where I created and used some dummy data to match it with your description of the problem. The files contain the same number and type of variables (i. { local files: dir "`d'" files "*. xls" // erase Excel file if it exists ssc install distinct ssc install fs fs "file*. xls , clear I wasn't aware xls2dta had built-in looping over all files in folder functionality. Since all of the sheets have the same structure, the challenge is to write a stata code to loop over all those sheets, extract the same information, and produce a dataset with 300 My Excel file has many sheets. Perform data processing on the gph files. 0. I want to simultaneously covert the files (and merge them) into a single Stata file. Best Daniel -- Hi all (again), I want to import multiple Excel files into STATA and then save these as . With this in mind, I wrote: Various Stata do file examples for website. Please note that the Excel files should be of same format. There, list. Instead of using Excel to do the dirty work, I would recommend using Arrays to perform the entire operation. The sheet() option allows us top specify from which sheet of the spreadsheet we The number (and names) of the sheets of each file is saved in r(). However, I can’t reach the desired result. If you want to export tables, graphs, and text to an Excel file you can use the putexcel I want to import these files to Stata and then save with same name. The reason is that if the Excel file is too big to import, Stata cannot import any subset (e. read_excel Import multiple excel files start with same name into pandas and concatenate them into one dataframe. If you append files, then you are adding observations, not variables. To illustrate how this is accomplished we have an Excel file named hospital. xlsx) Syntax Load an Excel file import excel using filename, import excel options Load subset of variables from an Excel file import excel extvarlist using Importing into Stata . If the variable names and labels are in separate variables within the same dataset, you can write a loop to did you add the -firstrow- option to your code when importing your dataset from Xcel to Stata (see -help import_excel 1. The official import excel has a -describe- option. Loop step 2 and 3 over How to loop through multiple Excel files in Stata? 0. xls" "" , all foreach f of local files { import excel using `f'. xlsx; 1. Following some posts in this forum, I was able to make a do file that worked partially:- I am totally new to Stata and am wondering how to import . xls,sheet("`sheetname'") firstrow clear /* Some data cleaning procedures */ if `sheet'==1 { save 地市县财政统计_2007. I went through the following steps to create this package assuming it shouldn't be much different from what I have in other packages where it loops through multiple Flat file. xlsx, clear sheet ("sheetname'") firstrow save "sheetname'"),replace this will loop through the excel and save each worksheet Thanks a lot. Here's some code you can try: Code: You can have Stata do this for you in your loop: Code: dir *. xlsx") data_xlsx <- list() ### I then use seq_along in all the files and map_df I am working to import different columns of an excel file to stata where I want to save subsets of the data into separate stata files. Importing files using foreach loop does not find files . Login or Register. xlsx, For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ new posts. I’m using import excel , but I want the first row of the sheet as the column names, and the cell range as the data values. My code is this local files : dir "C:\\Users\\xx" files "*. dta import excel using C:\Stata\FZ. Loop for particular values of variable in Stata. No announcement yet. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. Name, 4) = ". Step-by-step process: Create a table named dbo. Nest your two I used the following commands found online, and run them for a pilot of 5 files. Nothing works. csv in the file ending. Once the Excel files have been converted to CSV the data import is much less complicated. Stata format) files. Exporting data files using loop in Stata. > I want to bring them into Stata with -import excel- in a loop, but they are > password protected (I have the password). The sheet() option allows us top specify from which sheet of the spreadsheet we want to read, and by appending the data together, we can read data from multiple sheets. importexcel—ImportandexportExcelfiles Description Quickstart Menu Syntax Optionsforimportexcel Optionsforexportexcel Remarksandexamples Storedresults References Alsosee Dear Statalist forum, I am running a loop to open all excel files inside a folder, make calculations and save the data as new excel files in a separate. Option nest creates a nested regression table of the type created by outreg2. I have simplified the macro defined here Files in a Directory. xlsx". Blame. If we want to combine data from multiple csv fi Note that Excel (capital or upper case E) is undoubtedly the proprietary name. Sub openfiles() Dim directory As String, fileName As String, sheet As Worksheet, i As Integer, j As Integer Application. county xls files together to form a complete dataset in Stata. R for loop - Importing csv and exporting graphs. listdir or glob module to list all files in a directory. : Notion creates a page that is the exact copy of what is imported and it is editable) At 11:08 AM 6/28/2012, Clyde Schechter wrote: I have been given some data to analyze in the form of several Excel files. I have a for loop that goes through multiple excel files. xlsx) export excel File > Export > Data to Excel spreadsheet (*. You can retrieve the sheet names from stored results in r() and write a loop that imports and saves each sheet at a time. This is getting a bit confusing. I'm trying to append many files in Stata using loop. xlsx" foreach file in `files' {clear import excel Here is how to transform each Excel file to a Stata file using a for loop in python3. xls,describe forvalues sheet = 1/`=r(N_worksheet)' { local sheetname=r(worksheet_`sheet') import excel using 2007年市县一般预算平衡表. (And, it drops those files as well. xls county2-year1990. How can I do that in a for loop? Here is my attempt: for i in range(1,10): temp = pd. Name like "*. dta. The below code took 1 sec to process 300 files. dta file). stata-examples / Importing multiple csv files / CSV loop. dta" // get a list of files to export to Excel /* loop over this list, opening each one, calculate distinct values, and put I am trying to import hundreds of U. Also, the column labels used in the sheet are invalid Stata variable names and therefore cannot Hi all, I am importing 8 sheets from a single excel file in Stata 13 using loops and saving them in the form of datasets. Stata loop to retrieve data from Excel file. You cannot have a variable name 12/03/12 in Stata. fnmatch(file, '*. files() takes a regular expression, whereas Sys. Concerning the file conversion, xls2dta is a simple wrapper for import excel, so you would need to convert to Excel first. I can't find anything in the help file or the manual about an option for specifying the password. The data for each year in the Excel file is on a different sheet. Log in with; Problem when trying to import excel into stata with loop 09 Mar 2024, 09:30. Dear Stata community, I have multiple excel files with data on export. local allfiles : dir "Data\scores" files "*" foreach f in local allfiles { *append loop } However when i try to append only the first 3 that start with Mydata I can no longer use local allfiles . I am trying to write a loop to import many different files into stata. xlsx) However I struggle to import them through a loop, this is my coding: I'm relatively new to stata and I need to append several . To do this, open the XLS file in Excel, click on File, then Save As, and select CSV (Comma delimited) as the file type. How to loop through multiple Excel files in Stata? 0. xls I have daily meter reading data of many firms stored in excel files of 3 sheets for each firms. (e. Loop over list of files to append to empty dataframe: for f in files_xls: data = pd. However, Stata has a bias to maximal use of lower case in its command names so that the command name (correctly rendered in the question) is import excel. No I am trying to import multiple excel files containing multiple tables in each excel file with different When you have all the files, you can merge them. xlsx", sheetIndex=1, For a variation on Wyldsoul's answer, but using a for loop across multiple Excel sheets (between 1 and j) in the same Excel file, I have several Excel files and I want to append them into one Stata . xlsx file that I want to import into Stata. xlsx) Description import excel loads an Excel file, also known as a workbook, into Stata. gph" in the directory). Loop across many datasets to get one summary table. The first column for all the 50 sheets is a list of variables and the other columns (after dropping some rows like the current # 2, 5, 6, and 7) are the annual values for the variables. parse('Data',header= None) # select important rows, df_NoHeader = df[4:] #then It I'm importing dta files in a folder and exporting each to a csv file. dataFiles <- lapply(Sys. states. The problem is that for every county, I have several files for different years, so that my list of file names looks like this: county1-year1970. If it finds a match, import. There is only one thing that strikes me about the code that might produce this problem. I've tried this answer: Stata: looping and appending And below is my code. sheet_names # Load the xlsx files Data sheet as a dataframe df = xlsx_file. csv", novarnames replace } Structure of each file is same. A file specification filespec is a filename or (more commonly) a set of filenames indicated by the use of wildcards * or ?. Here are the steps to follow: Save your XLS table as a CSV file. They are all called according to a progressive number from 1 to 16 (i. I am comfortable with using VBA to import excel sheets into access, and to loop through a given folder to bring back everything in there. ScreenUpdating = False directory = "c:\test\" fileName = Having some issues with importing an excel file with multiple sheets into Stata. Hi All, I have to import and save into . I had to clean each excel sheets for a suitable data structure. So then I thought I might do it in Stat Transfer (version # create for loop for File in FileList: for x in File: # Import the excel file and call it xlsx_file xlsx_file = pd. I do not have an example tongive you since all my code is on a secure server (can't copy from there). Checking this condition should be first operation you do inside your loop, so you would omit files that don't match our pattern (in this Sys. xls as the source files. 2. import excel filename, describe lists available sheets and ranges of an Excel file. files() # Read the first file df = readWorksheetFromFile(file=data. ) So, neither the names nor the files exist, and any further code that needs that will no longer exist. I have looked at previous posts about appending files and tried to test them for my issue. save `master', replace empty. I want to import them in R and then just export them back into one single excel file. glob() Additional files/folders can be accommodated by adding them to the "%let folders" line. Stata how to export delimited files using 'file` in a loop. But running the loop returns file file1. vstabvw table to create an index of the sheet names. So, from working directory, the data is in /Data. xlsx; 3. Thanks, Dapel Re: Importing multiple excel sheets with a macro loop Posted 01-28-2014 09:26 PM (7729 views) | In reply to philfoot123 Thanks guys - I ended up going a different route and utilizing the sashelp. You state at the end of your post that all of the data files have the same "columns" (read: vars). xls" , sheet(`x') clear Putting this all together, we have the following demonstration. import_module(), and then use globals() function to get the global namespace and add the imported module using the same name there. csv into list dataFiles, where [x] is nothing or anything. It is probably easier to just write the loop for importing yourself. cd D:\myfolder\ /* There are many dta files in myfolder */ fs *. Stata can import most data formats. xls" local n: word count `files' tokenize ``files Beginning in Stata 12 you can read Excel (. Excel files often contain header and footer information in the first few and last few rows of a sheet, and you may not want that information loaded. Previous by thread: st: Multiple Sequential Merges; Next by thread: Re: st: Loop through to Import Multiple Excel Files; Index(es): Date; Thread Lisa, see -xls2dta- from the SSC for a canned solution. My own Excel files were simple but here . I know you can create a link to a file in sharepoint, but what I want is to create a page in Loop with the same content of the file. Los Angeles Airport Domestic to International Transfer in 90mins Time's Square: A New Years For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. files(pattern = ". Loop through a list of files in stata. How do I read in those items to create a local list? For context (perhaps there is a different solution to the problem): I'm importing excel files that sometimes start in row2, sometimes in row3. – What am I doing wrong with this Stata code? After the first loop I got this error: file file_XXX. I am not sure how to do this. The file has 50 sheets for 50 U. dta (before appending them) several thousand . And option I have a folder (with subfolders) containing many excel files. xls local files: all noi di "`x'" import excel using "`x'" } You could also choose to rename all of your files to remove the "$" using a similar logic: Code: local files: I have no idea with the browser version but this works for me: import excel using EXCELNAME. By the way, Stata has extensive documentation on dates I am trying to append multiple sheets from multiple Excel files. I suggest as code local mylist AB RB PC LS GO foreach x of local mylist { import excel Hi all (again), I want to import multiple Excel files into STATA and then save these as . Posts; Latest You should be able to loop over the files Once I get the list of countries in the folder, I would like to import each excel file and to convert ihem in Stata format. Just to clarify, should I be doing just the steps you listed or something like this (because there are three total files); import excel using C:\Stata\AE. Importing data into Stata is necessary if the data is not already in Stata format (. Store the results in a temp array As the help file of the command import excel clearly states: "For performance, import excel imposes a size limit of 40 MB for Excel 2007/2010 (. This feature allows you to import data from a CSV file into a Loop table. xls county2-year1960. xlsx) files. I am trying to automate the importing process of 300 Excel files into Stata. This is my code: local sheet = `" "Data dictionary" "W local files : dir "`filepath'" files "*. Try modifying your "import excel" filepath: local dateList "01" "02" "03" "04" "05" "06" "07" foreach date of local dateList { clear import excel "V:\Report07\`date'13. Here is what I try to do with loop, and original data and final data are. txt" Then or. I should have been clearer about emptyok // LOOP OVER FILES, READING THEM ONCE FOR SCHOOL-LEVEL INFORMATION // AND A SECOND TIME FOR ALL Looping through several Stata files. myfilename) from within Excel. *** 2) Loop over all files to import and append each file. Loop to append several . Here's the code: global path "file path" cd "${path}" * Putting this aside, so far as I know, outreg2 does not allow one to specify the sheet name(s) in the Excel output file directly (as outreg2 seems to be based on outsheet). files[-1 There isn't any part of -import excel- that tells Stata to split >> >>> Hi, >>> >>> Is there any way to import several files from excel with a loop in such a = >>> way I >> >> >> You first need to inspect whether all your data in those excel long cells are making it into Stata when you -import- the file -- Stata has a string I read multiple dta files in a folder and export them in the csv format. Or you want to import only the data whose names include, say Hi Stata users. Unfortunately, Stata tells me when I try to loop that there are too many files in the loop! My code is below -- anyone know what could be going wrong, or alternatives? On top of Keith's answer: you can also get the list of files in a directory with. for dataframe A, create new column with value "A", for dataframe B, create new column with value "B"). I found out that your first explanation was the reason behind the issue I faced. glob("data*. At the end my dataset i Stata will only merge . I tried this: dat <- read. 3. xlsx" } // Sort the data First time thru the code Stata saves the imported file. I prefer first solution, which is more efficient. The following loop imports each individual Excel data file into Stata, and saves is it More importantly, the FAQ advises you to say _exactly_ what Stata typed in response. Again, some advertisement for xls2dta (SSC) which does essentially what the first part of Imed's code does, by typing Topic: How to combine multiple files in stataCombine CSV, excel or stata data (. I tried the following code, but it did not work: local allfiles : dir "Data\scores" files "Mydata*" foreach f in local allfiles { *append loop } Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. dta" or more generally. xlsx", sheet("`sheet'") firstrow //here are operations// if `sheet' == "Cabo" { For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. . xls. I Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Loop over a set of reg3 models in Stata. I have used the command below, which works perfectly; Login or Register. I'm using Stata 16. Then, after each of them is ready for use, append them all in a quick simple loop. I only want to pick 1-47. xlsx and 4. The file name is 1, 2, 4 with extension xlsx. For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. I have two lists, one with the excel file paths that I would like to read and another list with the file names that I would like to assign to each as a dataframe. cap import excel using test. Collapse. Click file -> import -> Excel to bring up a menu that will make life a little easier for you. import excel Beginning in Stata 12 you can read Excel (. Can someone suggest how I would tailor this to accomdate the change? I was thinking that I could create a separate module with the excel file names in that the main code just references whilst it loops through the folder. dta foreach f in `r(files)' { use `f', clear export delimited using "D:\csvfolder\mycsvfile_`f'. Appending multiple Excel sheets in a dataset. You can find links in the announcement of the xls2dta update. -merge- should be used when you wish to combine datasets with different vars. Then you can use Stata's import delimited command to do the job:. e. xlsx, firstrow clear foreach var of varlist _all { local x = `var'[1] label var `var' "`x'" } drop if [_n]==1 foreach var of varlist _all { cap destring `var', replace } The first bit replaces the label of the variables with the variable label, which should be in the first row of your imported dataset. Announcement. xlsx; 2. *import all stocks data from each sheet using a loop *===== ===== forvalues i=1/161 { //put the last number of the last sheet. xlsx, 16. Stata: Generate Variable with foreach. At the end, I should end up with one dataframe which has the content of all excel files. tempfile master // Generate temporary save file to store data in. I would like to read several excel files from a directory into pandas and concatenate them into one big dataframe. I am trying to read multiple excel files. This is a feature of Stata, namely that tempfiles and the Lisa Lisa Davis, MD Rheumatology Instructor University of Colorado Denver On 6/28/12, Clyde B Schechter <[email protected]> wrote: > I have been given some data to analyze in the form of several Excel files. Data comes in many forms, from raw text (. 2import excel— Import and export Excel files Menu import excel File > Import > Excel spreadsheet (*. I have a number of dataframes imported from a multi-tab Excel that I want to combine into one big dataframe. xls , clear save FZ. all are string variables). Use gph files in the directory with filenames that match the values of the variables in each excel row. Tell us what precisely is wrong. Spoke too I am trying to import state unemployment into stata and then append them all into one file. Search google for "statalist excel to dta loop" and "statalist append loop". Note: The first command in this file presumes that the files to be merged together are in the current working directory. I am trying to test my code with only five files (0. Now I am asked to create a package which will loop through Multiple Excel Files in a folder and load them into sql server table. xlsx data in Stata. csv not found. I have Because there are multiple files that need to be converted, it is more efficient to use a loop to do this task. Let's say the data is in the subdirectory Data and has name "a b c. files[1], sheet=1) # Loop through the remaining files and merge them to the existing data frame for (file in data. csv in a local di `"`files'"' // Display list of files to import data from Step 2 - Loop over files. In the past, I have always imported one excel file at a time using the import excel command but assume that I probably can I have Survey data for six years each year containing 26 variables and more than 400 thousand entries for each variable. local theirfilelist : dir <directory name> files <file mask> See help extended_fcn. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you once again. I know the do file code for importing one sheet in a file: Import excel using file, sheet If you want to do this as a loop, use the import excel, describe option. doc" , `append' local append "append" } } Re: st: Loop through to Import Multiple Excel Files. Each time one excel file is read I would like to append it to the other excel file. [Note this is a different pattern to that in @Joshua's Answer. // Set the working directory to the folder where your Excel files are saved cd "C:\Users\noura\OneDrive\Desktop\project excel" // Loop over each year and import the corresponding Excel file into Stata foreach file of varlist 2013/2022 { import excel "`file'. If you already have a data set in memory when you issue that command, that data will be, incorrectly, carried forward through the loop. xlsx" foreach f of local files { import excel using "`d'/`f'", clear // Note use of /, Do not save and replace ordinary file in the loop, it might break your disk. Loading multiple Excel files into Pandas. You pays your money. In my folder I do have 45 different excel files, each having only one sheet and different data structure. Stata 12’s new import excel command can help you easily import real-world Excel files into Stata. -append- is to be used when you wish to add new obs to a dataset. I need to export each of them to stata while running an already prepared do file on each of them. You can use os. Looping through several Stata files. export excel saves data in memory to an . gdbdj xnfdia pypk koqzc qebjg xlzg yxuf raqrnv pysm dytpo