Nitrous tuning yellowbullet 052 nitrous jet. this resulted in a wet plug. 1 3 of 7 Yellow Bullet Forums. I have an SCT X3 tuner for datalogging and pulling timing for the N2O. Nitrous tuning window. My injectors are Holley 120 LB/HR so there should be plenty of fuel and then I don't need to add a second fuel system. I'd like to use the A460 head with Oakley's new CNC ports, I'm just not actually sure what kind of power on spray to reasonably expect. tow to the line and back. Jul 28, 2008 · Search around here in this section and you will learn alot of info about nitrous tuning. As already stated over & over though, I see no reason why you could not get a nitrous system to work at the highr fule Jun 20, 2012 · My combo is a 422ci sbc with AFR 210 heads that flow 305 cfm,flat top pistins 11. I run the system on a secondary fuel system, dual NOS side regulators, dual solenoids. Should the nitrous tune up be adjusted to compensate for the cold weather? Thanks Aug 11, 2006 · Any unburned fuel or even lean spots will exist once the button is released. Jul 11, 2016 · "There is a lot of talk in the nitrous world among racers in terms of progressive control. 2 compression 4500 super victor with hvh 4150 /4500 adapter 1000 cfm 4150 carb glide with break converter to be built to cam specs. 043 idle jet. - Methanol as the main/na fuel with gas as the enrichment seems fairly comon, I'm just using gas all around right now to better read the plugs. Jump to Latest 41 - 60 of 132 Posts. com Feb 5, 2012 · This is because the nitrous enrichment will end up "taking" fuel from the base fuel table, due to the nitrous displacing incoming air. 5. With the engine accelerating five times during the run and not lugging on a converter like a 'glide, I wonder if that helps things at all? Jul 20, 2015 · If I miss something let me know, I am running an R5P7 358 cube Dodge nascar small block, cam is solid roller 271/279 @50, 763/770 lift installed @104. 640 int. Thitek has some of the best CNC programs and has several different chamber profiles depending on power adder type and application. with a -10 plug it is cold enough so at 25 deg of timing will be close. 450, dry air is . Aug 4, 2010 · Nitrous Tuning class coming to Paris, Tennessee. I am going to tell them how things really work and why. It's going to be a small shot but I don't want him to have problems with it because I don't have time to fix it. The Ams2000 is being pounded on the racetrack to deliver to the racer the baddest nitrous management control box on the market, period. These are some of the things we really focus on as we blueprint a kit for our customers. t. wet kit with a . The tune up survived all summer in 80* to 95* weather. The bitch part with the nitrous works system was setting the regulator. Jun 15, 2010 · Nitrous - Induction Solutions. Once you start hitting it with more nitrous the stall will be way higher anyway and you won't be in that area anymore. I find the tune up on Renegade 120N & C23 the same but Renegade is faster. Joined Mar 11, 2007 · 133 Posts Jan 5, 2009 · So I'm tuning the nitrous system on gas with a gas dominator, but will be swapping to a methanol dominator but leaving the nitrous on gas. For my nitrous tuneup I have a 36n 28f at 5 psi and my current second kit is 30N 20F at 5. Nov 13, 2012 · I was talking with Mark Sullens the other day about spraying it on the dyno. Car was warmed up on a different set of plugs. Also, the nozzle that is used in that kit ( the "B" nozzle, black W/ silver jet nuts) has a history of internal leks as well over time ?? Apr 10, 2022 · Ported intake and aed 4150 1000cfm carb. Set up is a bb mopar 572 c-16 fuel -9 ngk plugs 6 psi carb side 7psi nitrous. 24M posts 147K members Since 2005 A forum community dedicated to drag Jun 16, 2009 · The small nitrous solenoids create quite a pressure drop as you go up in jet and you really need to know how to correct the nitrous to fuel ratio the bigger you try and run that system. Its a pain due to having treat it like alcohol, it did make 20 more rear wheel hp on a 600 rear wheel hp NA 454. May 5, 2009 · Nitrous - Induction Solutions Sep 27, 2012 · NOS brand nitrous tuning ? Jump to Latest 3. Oct 10, 2007 · All right. ATV - is what you are saying is that really, the nitrous runs arent "lean" in mid range b/c the run was only a couple of seconds and that its probably just rich during the entire nitrous run if the same was from 4500+? looking at my close up nitrous runs, i guess it doesnt tell the whole story. 350-. Nov 10, 2011 · 2. 6-1 compression, 1050 4150 quick fuel on e-85, fuel tests 84-86%, msd 7530T box, total timing is at 35, using induction solutions real May 25, 2016 · Reading plugs = Reading Tea Leaves. As big of a jet as your looking to run it would be worth opening up the nitrous solenoids for better flow as well as taking a look at the nozzles. Oct 9, 2024 · Get the nitrous system flowed by Induction Solutions so it's properly set up for the correct nitrous to fuel ratios, keeping you from guessing all the time. Sep 4, 2019 · They are also a superior alloy to the standard Apache heads. Feb 25, 2009 · Nitrous - Induction Solutions. You can do the math on 55 PSI tunes. We have what we have and adjust the tune, to get the desired reading on the plugs. 2to1, 850 carb, the cam is a howrds solid roller . YES, less timing in good air (GOW being the key metric), & more timing in bad air. Go Aug 5, 2010 · I was looking in the Lets talk drag racing section on here and saw the Monte Smith Nitrous tuning class and was wondering if anyone on here has ever been to it ? Is it worth it or just a waste of time. As others have noted there are other tweaks you can use to get a Dry Nitrous car down the track, especially if you have multiple stages and can use a smaller kit off the line. 1 Apr 22, 2010 · Going to build a bad ass 420inch SBC for gas would like to make 950-1000HP on the juice. (run a high 8 in a 3200lb 67 camaro) Is it worth going to an 18deg head and make that extra 80-100HP with better heads, or just build a good 680-700HP 23deg engine and spray it the rest of the way. No laptop needed. For a plate kit anything is fine really to a 150/200 shot. :confused: Oct 5, 2010 · With my nitrous system I have been treating the Alky/nitrous/gas system as if the base fuel was on gas and it makes tuning much easier. My car runs on E85. 175hp with a cheater nitrous solenoid is roughly a . Mac Fab beadlocks 1-877-622-3221 Apr 25, 2011 · Technical Section. 00 index and a 250 shot tune up for 1/8th mile stuff. Blow by and leaking valves can create big problems even with a perfect tune up so maintenance is critical. With the added power of the nitrous your convertor may be stalling higher than a non-nitrous pass also. Good air is . Apr 10, 2018 · What determines the "proper" heat range, tuning for max NA power and efficiency? At what point is it "correct" as opposed to bringing the tune in line with a specific heat range? Lets assume I've spent 50 passes, adjusting timing, afr, and fuel curves, on an NGK 10 and it looks perfect. Basically ended up using skirted boosters on the primary side of the carbs which dropped them from 1050s to about 1010 cfm. 5 psi and I can still take a little more fuel out of it to clean uo the plugs. All progressives are not created equal. instead of pulling it globally. jwoods Jan 16, 2008 · What do you guys think about using a chassis dyno for nitrous tuning? Yellow Bullet Forums. If EGT is too high then you could be lean and running hot or fat and still burning fuel out in header. Dec 1, 2010 · LSX, Mod Motor and Gen III Hemi Tech. 073 nitrous jet. I do receive second hand information though from a few customers but mostly from a very good friend who is one of the top nitrous tuners in the south. works good. The Nms1000 has been the staple of nitrous management since its release. Jul 25, 2015 · Help with nitrous tuning. Nitrous - Induction Solutions Jul 10, 2024 · Just go for the grid or digital 7- there are more valuable features (like individual cylinder timing) that can be very valuable for tuning a nitrous combo at that power level Gotta watch your rotor position/phasing when you start pulling much more than you’re pulling now. 375, Je nitrous pistons, total seal rings, gapless top, 11. May 29, 2010 · Does the fact that it's a nitrous motor play a factor in the bsfc numbers at all? As in the cam timing and things like that? Also, the dyno pulls were made with very minimal prerun in time. start at 6psi. WBO2 is the scientific way. Aug 20, 2012 · Stock 01' pcm. e. Monitor Fuel Pressure Correctly Jun 9, 2024 · Currently at this stage of tuning running 14 lbs of boost through a littlefield 8-71, on c16 I was at 18. Aug 20, 2007 · Nitrous at 1000 psi and nitrous at 950 PSI is only . Maybe pull some fuel out between 4K and 5K. It is really for multi system Pro Nitrous cars. To have efi control nitrous you add a wire to Pin 56 and when it is grounded it activates the nitrous tables. I doubt many people can tell the difference between . Jump to Latest Sep 2, 2011 · My hands on experience is tuning Trevor Wiggins Super Comp dragster with a Hilborn setup and Holley Dominator. 97@117 with ramping the nitrous in 1. i already have a 1 gal cell, and a blue pump with regulator to run the dedicated system, it came with all the nitrous stuff i got from my buddy (he made me a deal on 100% all of his stuff for a deal i couldn't refuse, so i jumped on it). If so, is the Edelbrock the right system for a weekend warrior? If not, is there something easier or more economical? Im having Lemons build a set of headers for the Jan 28, 2011 · Ive sprayed 200 so far with right at 9. I tried moving fuel jet upto a 71 at 5psi. Oct 29, 2012 · Get your basic tune close to right, i. I just got off the phone with bullet and they recommended 20 degrees more exhaust duration when spraying 600+ nitrous. Running a 91mm turbo with a water to air intercooler. what tuning do I need to do to the nitrous system and carbeurator to make this switch. S. Jul 21, 2010 · Nitrous Tuning Class coming to Sommerville, Alabama. When tuning the nitrous system itself, there are two ways to manipulate the amount of fuel available during system use: the fuel jet size and the fuel pressure. flowing threw a . Mar 16, 2014 · I ran the car for the first time with efi and dry nitrous. If you are running pig fat and the motor is loading up at the line. 8 lambda and . I use it to pull timing though on wet and dry. All I've ever ran has been a 210 shot and it was always really lazy feeling on the recommended jetting. If the cam is a nitrous profile, then spray it. Oct 11, 2012 · Most people think if you have a couple foggers, with . Will the nitrous work well with the E85 or am I asking for trouble? Dec 30, 2012 · edelbrock says to go 57/57 for a 100 shot and even I knew that was fat, even with zero nitrous tuning knowledge. There is also a forum with a bunch of people to help at efilive. Pulling 7 degrees from 35. And a nitrous outlet fogger . Nov 12, 2017 · Do you have the large distributor cap or a small one , could be jumping under the added resistance with nitrous on even if your phase is correct. Now I run a NGK 7 plug for N/A power, Mark wants to stay with the 7 plug when we spray and also said to square the fuel jets and nitrous jets, example would be a 73 fuel jet and a 73 NOS jet. I got a single nozzle N. Any help will be appreciated. Looks a little rich but I’m lost on timing. Jul 19, 2022 · New to nitrous curious peoples thoughts on these plugs. How much occurs depends on a lot of variables and changes as you add more nitrous. May 3, 2012 · I'm in the Jacksonville, Fl area looking for someone that can tune a 363 SBF with a C&S 900 Aerosol Blow-Thru carb on it. Pushed to the line pushed back. Some of the old timers here might recall a guy named John Stewart from Top Gun Nitrous ( out of Texas). Apr 12, 2021 · Nitrous Tuning helo Jump to Latest 1K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by vegaman924 Apr 14, 2021 Apr 22, 2011 · Im kind of a noob to nitrous so Im needing a good starting point for timing. Regardless of whether it conforms to the tech forums way of tuning or not. Nov 12, 2017 · Do you have the large distributor cap or a small one , could be jumping under the added resistance with nitrous on even if your phase is correct. When we run NMCA we have to run VP, any other time we run Renegade 120Nitrous. never had a issue, never burned a plug or a piston. Fuel at 6. One 110* day at the river I un-hooked the nitrous from the system and just ran the methanol thru the spray bars. Jump to Latest 517 views 0 replies 1 participant last post by Big Squeeze Aug 5, 2010 Dec 8, 2010 · The one difference the Holley has over the FAST is you can do dry PROGRESSIVE nitrous which has worked well. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 5 of 5 Posts. 119, wet air is . i really didnt know where to start. Jan 29, 2013 · That's why you are seeing some new nitrous controllers coming out such as the 5 stage, 10 timer one Speedwire announced at the PRI show. Click to expand Yes I understand that but he also has a double crossbar so whatever the jets are on one plate will be double on this plate so that 175 on your cheater plate is 350 on the one he has Feb 13, 2015 · Billy is a Pro-Nitrous World Championship winning Crew Chief and he said the same thing. Adding about 30 lbs of fuel per 100 HP of real added nitrous HP will get you in the ballpark. 052, is some sort of monster kit, when in fact the two . 1; 2; 2 of 2 Go to page. I am here to help. Jul 1, 2009 · That tuning guide is not correct. Once we got the bank to bank synced (which took a bit and is key), the thing xerox's time slips. 0 sec into run and starting at 40%. The lift will depend on the head. I still don't. Jump to Latest May 4, 2009 · monte smith nitrous tuning class in fredricksburg Jump to Latest 1K views 0 replies 1 participant last post by bolla May 5, 2009 Jul 17, 2007 · need basic nitrous tuning tips. your first pass run it to the 330 or just pass that shut it off. Also EGTs often do not read the same. So far Ive went a best of 5. Nov 7, 2020 · I planned on spraying the nitrous dry. Oct 3, 2012 · You have to be careful rating a specific jet to HP. I recommend them because they are the only nitrous company I'm aware of that will flow and map a system using methanol as an enrichment fuel. 596 Views 1 Reply 1 Participant Last post by Big Squeeze , Jul 29, 2010 Jump to Latest Big Squeeze Discussion starter · Jul 22, 2010 May 3, 2013 · Supercharger plus nitrous tuning Jump to Latest Follow 2K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by red 96 May 4, 2013 Aug 6, 2010 · Anyone ever been to the Monte Smith Nitrous Tuning Class?? Jump to Latest 21 - 33 of 33 Posts. Results? Much crisper, still safe and I got a personal best time out of it. May 1, 2015 · If it does, then the fuel map just needs a little "cleaning". . I plan on having a 150 shot tune up for 10. 73 gear morel barblink lifters . On motor I run 36 degrees of timing. I have a 567 CID, 15:1 CR that is built to take n2o. I know 1. The instructions say to use a very small fuel jet and a bunch of pressure. I don't care what you do, that's your deal. I have 3 fogger systems on a big block ford. Nitrous outlet stinger 3 plate. poor air is never more than 1-2*. 5psi fuel pressure. No gains on the dyno on Nitrous, funny since it did clean things up on the tune. nitrous tuning question. ] Nov 26, 2013 · LSX, Mod Motor and Gen III Hemi Tech. I’m going to start with 300 hp nitrous 31-23 pill at 7 psi but my goal is to spray 400-450 hp . Feb 13, 2010 · My dad wants to put a nitrous kit on his Grand Prix GTP. I like dry and wouldn't run wet myself. 4. 028s, CAN be more total nitrous and depending on parts, in some cases, a LOT more. 2 / Stock Front Suspension - Fulton 718 & N20 337-781-4443 rforet4444@gmail. Easily a 40* change from this summer. I wire mine up when the nitrous comes it grounds the wire. I have had a cheapy dyno tune one, Nitrous outlet one, and Nitrous Jan 14, 2014 · If it wants more idle fuel, jugging by the fact it likes a smaller air bleed, go to a . I know the cam isnt ideal for NA, but i plan to spray this motor once i get the NA tune up to snuff. As you add more nitrous, you need to add less fuel, as you end up adding less power, due to displacement of incoming air to the engine. I haven't had this combo long and don't want to mess it up by switching gas. Aug 11, 2008 · That's the "B" nozzle in that kit. It was started, warmed up for about 5-10 min and left to cool off for about 40min to an hour (went and grabbed a bite) Came back and ran the valves and let Mar 19, 2006 · Hi guys. Aug 14, 2013 · Trust me, you won't blow down your entire system pressure that way. 300HP first stage, 200HP second stage. anyway you look at it thats around 900+ hp on the nitrous and the block looked good when i freshened it up stock 69 to 74 model windsor blocks are tough as hell and built right will tolerate 900+ hp for a while Dec 15, 2021 · Hi everyone, we race a s10 89 bbc with big nitrous on it and I need help about how much timing retard on nitrous This is the engine specs, original owner used to race in x275 class I think this is a typical engine of that class Engine Brand: Chevy Engine Cubic Inches: 584 Compression Ratio: 15 to 1 Intake Manifold Brand: brodix bm 2017 Jan 3, 2013 · FoFo Ronnie Foret Ricochet Racing '69 Camaro Yenko SC - Back Half / NHRA 25. If the exposure was non existent close the secondary blade completely, then 1/2 turn from first movement, use the primary only to adjust idle. Jump to Latest Oct 31, 2007 · Now before a hater gets on here about me claiming to know nothing about nitrous tuning a year ago, that is correct. 25 PSI is a 19% change in flow. 052) gasket 12. stuff like this, is why I like to speak in PPH numbers. Did some reading over on Yellow Bullet's nitrous section and squared up the jets. Like 10. Feb 22, 2012 · NOS has updated to a much better jetting table on their site in the new instructions. . Mar 18, 2011 · Nitrous - Induction Solutions. 408z28 · Registered. I can datalog a ton of info such as knock Mar 2, 2021 · Looking at putting together a 598 or 632 BBF nitrous engine for sand drag racing. Jan 5, 2010 · Need a Good Nitrous tuning shop in MD. 3 tenths when on motor, ran the same on the spray as before gave up the alch and went back to gas/gas but have always wanted to know why the extra went away on the bottle when the spray is on the carb is along for the ride the kit carries the unit I think there is a lot on the table Apr 17, 2023 · Some info I am using for my E85 tuning and referenced for the above: e85 tuning AFR Went on the chassis dyno,Best results where around 11/11. Jun 1, 2015 · Im running a L33 5. This weekend it will be high 60s during qualifying and low 50s or even 40s during eliminations. Mar 14, 2011 · Midwest Tuning BS3 and Nitrous 1166 Views 7 Replies 5 Participants Last post by 1QuickBird , Mar 15, 2011 Jump to Latest dwheelock Discussion starter · Mar 14, 2011 Dec 7, 2009 · Jeff Prock recommends the FAST XFI for dry nitrous, its definitely capable, I've seen it in action up close on a dry two-stage 588. 9 lambda from looking at a plug, but with a WBO2, you can dial it in. Aug 2, 2011 · This is the only way to go for accurate tuning… If you download the software and go to “help” on the toolbar of the tuning suite, there are tutorials that help a bunch with getting used to the software and custom OS’s. May 24, 2012 · The most I have used efi to add fuel was right at 200. I think he is making ~13 pounds of boost. 122 nitrous solenoid . 2 on the AFR any suggestions or advice. 24M posts 148K members Since 2005 A forum community dedicated to Jan 17, 2019 · I stayed with a dry EFI setup and holley for the nitrous tuning capability. Sep 10, 2014 · Alcohol will not show much if any color on plugs and EGT is useless for tuning to in my opinion. When you start adding nitrous you need more to get everything out. We run base 28* (both BBC's) & our variance in timing in good vs. 062 no2 jet and . Im running E85, so I calcutated 38lbs of fuel per 100hp and ran closed loop to a 11. IAT is connected to the nitrous activation switch (micro switch), which grounds the solenoids. 8-1 compression . 408 ls with some serious port worked ls3 heads 3100 pd s10 11. Ripped the intake stuff out this year and going to a super vic with a 2 stage plate kit dry. May 19, 2009 · Nitrous racers run cold plugs and higher than required octane fuel. This unburned fuel will find a way to burn once nitrous gets there. 060 quench (. Nov 4, 2011 · I'm trying to learn the best method to use for ignition timing with nitrous. 5 PSI and 5. 5 to 2 degrees per 50 HP is recommended. I also only ran 14 degrees of total timing. 05% change in flow. :rolleyes: My question is do I read the plugs as I would with my car? Does the Jan 31, 2010 · tuning na for nitrous 931 Views 4 Replies 5 Participants Last post by Mike Beck , Feb 1, 2010 Jump to Latest mysticmissle Discussion starter · Feb 1, 2010 Feb 9, 2021 · Both above are good advice, I would add to make sure that your engine is sealed up well in the bottom. I have an NOS Launcher but I don't have the wideband yet. 1K views 14 replies 9 participants Mar 1, 2009 · Nitrous Tuning Class coming to North Carolina Jump to Latest 765 views 2 replies 1 participant last post by Big Squeeze Mar 17, 2009 May 19, 2008 · Nitrous - Induction Solutions. I have a 2 stage kit on it, dual spray bars in the middle of a perimeter plate. Current man temps:170 It was a long road to get the car to run right on the street. You tune by the plugs and view the wide band data for reference. 028 tunes, that you don't have much nitrous, yet think a single kit, with a . 3l with a epp blower cam and supporting valve train. Best times ever. Then you have to think about ring gap as wellif they aren't opened up for nitrous use, it will get ugly and expensive very quickly especially on Aug 20, 2020 · Actually I have a lot of experience with Renegade and the VPC23. That kit also has the rubber style plungers in the nitrous solenoids too. In the IAT spark table, when the IAT see's 175* +/-, it takes out however much timing I tell it to take out. Jump to Latest 559 views 0 replies 1 participant last post by wheelliftnpony Jan 6, 2010 Sep 7, 2019 · It took a lot of tuning to get the AF good everywhere. 5 psi to start. Keep up with leak checking cylinders, valve spring pressure, etc. 12-1 PRC 237 64cc heads LSXRT 2 stage plate kit. Dec 29, 2013 · We had never really chased it due to long periods between running the car and not really having a clue of what we wanted to shoot for tuning wise. He is going to come up and help with the tuning, but thats another story. Aug 27, 2009 · The Nitrous Express plate I have (thanks Chuck) uses much different jetting than what is in that chart. sunoco maximal,or c16 is good. I was wondering if the QwikData system or other data acquisition systems are the right thing for tuning a nitrous motor. This will add to the mix of what the motor will do once nitrous is introduced to it. Jun 5, 2012 · Control 4 stages wet or dry, add the fuel you need for the dry kit, you can delay the fuel, you can delay the nitrous, set the timing retard for each stage progressively so you pull timing with the progressive ramp up in nitrous which makes for great short times and better e. Jul 19, 2010 · Jimmy Biggs Advanced Nitrous Tuning (PT 2 Advanced) Jump to Latest 2. O. A nitrous plug reads mixture on the porcelein and heat on the strap and thats how it is. You pretty much had fire the fuel solenoid only and to dump the fuel to a catch can. Of course this isn't a "street car". The engine is not yet assembled but I was shooting for . If not, it could become very sensitive to tuning/timing, and your tuning window could be very small. 150 shot. 73 gears on 28*10. Yes they do take a "average" per bank, but it gives you a reference. 1 A/F ratio on a gas scale. Sep 20, 2012 · as said above 26n 20 fuel. Mar 10, 2013 · I am switching from sunoco nos gas to vp-c23. 630 ex, 259 int 275 ex, ground on a 112. com… Hope that helps. May 12, 2011 · Do any of you guys use Vapor Pressure in your tuning? We use this measurement instead of grains of water for ignition timing. You can see in the pic the tables that are added. 500ish on up. Nov 30, 2024 · Camshaft choice is going to affect how much you can run more than static compression will. The A/F "is what it is" after the tuning has taken place. Nitrous pressure, fuel pressure, oil pressure, driveshaft speed and all the normal EFI channels such as dual widebands, etc. Apr 22, 2014 · Ok whos my nitrous camshaft experts. Need help with tuning nitrous! Jump to Latest Follow 21 - 28 of 28 Posts. I have a turbo 350 with a tight nitrous converter, 3. Sep 10, 2012 · Another thought is the contribution of the overall combination to the nitrous tuning. Gil said he was getting a lot of requests for a controller with capability to support more kits & timers for banking type applications. We are not looking to change the burn rate with different heat range spark plugs. Plugs look a little rich so there is more tuning to do. Jump to Latest Jan 30, 2011 · The OP is also inquiring with the use of his wide band and in most cases a wide band is not a tool to be used for tuning nitrous. 1K views 11 replies 9 participants last post by wheelsup69 Oct 12, 2012 May 21, 2015 · im still working on my E85 tune but so far im running 63N 61F at 6psi & pulling 10 deg for 22 total. 3278 Views 9 Replies 9 Participants Last post by Monte Smith, Jun 18, 2010 Jump to Latest J. edelbrock victory jr with quickfuel 750. 2046 Views 6 Replies 5 Participants Last post by Mike Beck, May 20, 2008 Jump to Latest Mike Beck Feb 1, 2013 · ran gas with gas/ nos ran well went alch and picked up . I run a 5 speed so the engine RPM ranges between 6K and 8k during the run. Dec 2, 2016 · Upgrades could be as simple as a higher-flow fuel pump or as complicated as a complete, dedicated fuel system just for use with the nitrous system. A small amount of nitrous on a motor designed for a lot, can make a lot more HP than on an engine that isn't designed for nitrous. Jan 18, 2012 · Kevin Neal nitrous 513-504-3834 Bissette chassis performance 252-827-1842 NMS-1000 nitrous controler CRT racing transmissions 727-492-6945 H&F performance engines 252-243-2050 ATS Recovery (bubba) Collins Roofing Inc. Timing Tuning vs Jet Tuning. The actual Renegade Pro Nitrous fuel should be even more forgiving. The longer line trick works well for the smaller shots, in my opinion, but when you really start leaning on it you need to soften the "hit" by other means (7531 box/control timing). But when somebody needs help or ask my opinion. Car ran great. Big shot plate 200/300 max 3. I easily log the basics on my car. 033 fuel jet(55psi base fuel pressure). Nitrous chiller box between bottle and solenoids. Jun 11, 2017 · I've run a methanol nitrous kit on my boat for 25 years. if I had some non projected 7 plugs versus the 8 plugs I was using I could've stuck those in & bumped the timing up to burn it. Nitrous LSX. the engine picked up about 300 rpm from the "cool" meth injection. put new plugs in ever pass till you get the timing and fuel correct. Aug 20, 2007 · Nitrous - Induction Solutions. Nov 3, 2010 · From what ive seen N/A SB2 motors normally run about 10-12 more degrees of exhaust duration. not on the ragged edge, so you do not have to worry about a quick change in the weather, & tune from there. Prev. Nov 21, 2011 · i have a customer with a stock block 410" pump gas engine i built that makes 603rwhp through a c-4 on motor and he sprays 175hp through it and sometimes 225hp. One of mine reads about 100* cooler than the other. I would run the more conventional hemi chamber he offers to slow the burn rate down and open up the tuning window. usnabcy msvfg mmjhnq ipjq hqvhf gypty lzlap attqqn grct luxmi