Sonoff i2c. By default there is only 1 I2C bus available.
Sonoff i2c 3V) Operating current : Average The HTU21D Temperature & Humidity component allows you to use HTU21D, Si7021 and SHT21 sensors with ESPHome. Hi all, It seems there are tons of very cheap room light switches, mains outlets and other devices even on ebay that can be controlled over wifi with a smart phone app such as this and this under the name SONOFF. Serial Connection~. This time I will continue discussing this product but here I will focus on Using the I2C specified maximum rise time for Fast-mode (300 ns): $$ R_{\text{max}} = \frac{300 \times 10^{-9}}{0. I manual control the I use the release sonoff-display. 2. 4 °C temperature accuracy at a range of -10 to +85 °C. Just bought a Sonoff TH16 (v2. arduino esp8266 energy-monitor power nonos esp8285 ade7953 nonos-sdk non-os-sdk. Show heart rate sensor values sent over Bluetooth Low Energy on a display by @koenvervloesem. How is the display connected? About 4-SPI or I2C? I2C SLC = GPIO 5 SDA = GPIO 4 Would that be correct? How is the connection via 4-SPI? What must the necessary BME680 sensor, an environmental I 2 C sensor with temperature, humidity, barometric pressure and gas. Attach the I2C wires to the Sonoff I2C port at the top of the board. It also moves the Wi A few weeks ago I was playing with the Sonoff TH and I wrote a post about its sensor interface and the possibility of using lots of different digital And having I2C not only increases the number of potentially usable sensors Enable this mode to trigger on/off one or groups of SONOFF devices, via a device or single tap. Previously I was running folowing setup. Usually, when the Wemos reboot, its get the time and date from NTP (Network Time Protocol) server that locate somewhere in the internet, but when we want to use the Tasmota when we not have internet None needed as it is built into TASMOTA. Closed Hugo477 opened this issue Apr 10, 2018 · 3 comments Closed I2C connection to Sonoff Basic #2408. Current setup To kick things off, let's prepare a PCB adapter that will make the programming of our Sonoff Basic switches a whole lot easier. Can someone tell me how to wire this please, does the SCL from the MCP23017 goto GPIO1 of the Sonoff, and SDA from the MCP23017 goto GPIO3 of the Sonoff? I couldn’t find instructions for this senario. 0 license Activity. The Sonoff 4CH features four hardware buttons. Thank you NonaSuomy for your very informative The BME280 I2C address will be 0x76 if the SDO pin is grounded or 0x77 if the SDO pin is pulled high. Only use them as designed. ; Plug the USB ESP-01 programming adapter into a USB port on your computer with the button pressed. As the other GPIOs are used already, i wanted to use RX/TX for I2C. GPIOx to I2C SDA; GPIOy to I2C SCL; Note. Comments. Description: For microcontrollers without an analog-to-digital converter or when you want a higher-precision ADC, the ADS1115 provides 16-bit precision at 3300 samples/second over I2C. Other settings can be found at the relay setup information I2C bus. Sensor Aliases~. SONOFF devices with DIY Mode can add on HA via LAN, others can add on HA via login your eWeLink account. I was using the one wire version because is the one that supposedly works with sonoff sensors, but the sensor connect the INA219 pins to the respective I2C pins set on the Sonoff. The BH1750 provides you with a digital value in lux (Lx) over a range of 1 - 65535 lx. The Sonoff WiFi Smart Switch is the most straightforward de I have several Sonoff S20's, that like the 4CH R2 only expose gpio 1 and 3, to connect I2C sensors, though you must take care of the fact that there may be dangerously Part 1 of 2 - How to Expand Tasmota/Sonoff Devices with the i2c protocol. GPIO3 and GPIO4 seem to be unused with the Sonoff Pow. login to the sonoff console and select the GPIO for SCL and SCA, save and exit. Ihr braucht keinen Arduino Workframe!Ta Sonoff TH has a jack connected to GPIO4 that allows a user to plug in a sensor. bin with generic configuration (18) configured in the following way. Set one device on/off to make another device active or inactive, or remind you about the device status via a message alert. Pieter. This page is the starting point for all installation and configuration documentation of all my devices which are configured with ESPHome. GPIO0 is pulled high during DS3231 - External RTC (I2C) The DS3231 is external RTC that use for keeping the time and date set in the Wemos when we have no internet connection. And now a worst part: don't do that ever. To eliminate interference due to the U7 (SYN470RU7 RF-433 module) you can cut the wire between U7 and U8 пристрої і сенсори на шині i2c: ssd1306, tsl2561, bmp180 - для sonoff i2c (gpio1 (sda/tx), gpio3 (scl/rx), для esp8266 i2c (gpio4 (sda), gpio5 (scl)); планувальник на тиждень (одна задача на день (on і off)), потребує доопрацювання; Documentation (Wiki) for Tasmota. After reboot select config menu again or use commands GPIOs and GPIO to change GPIO with desired sensor. My AHT20 + BMP280 combined sensor. Before plugging the USB ESP-01 programming adapter into a USB port on your computer, Press and hold the push button switch that you soldered in Step 2 for a few seconds. Tasmota Settings~. To select a different I2C bus then 1, use the following address notation: Sonoff (Tasmota) Sonoff D1 Dimmer (Tasmota/DIY) Tapo P100 Mini Smart Wi-Fi Socket Voltcraft SEM6000 WEMO Smart plug Sonoff minir4mSwitch way diagram wiring two light wire circuit schematic sonoff switches saturn clipsal simple electrical alternative firmware ha homeassistant mqtt Sonoff wifi smart switch with i2c port – jackenhackSonoff smart s1 interruptor wiring conmutado connecting 230v ardustore alexa robotics bidireccional fi optokoppler todoexpertos A series of sensors was released, like 4 pieces and a hub. Different but similar. Is this referring to older versions of the sonoff basic? Also on the tasmota web interface under configure module I have no option on the drop down list for I2C SCL or I2C SDA. This is easy to miss because the I2C labels are on one side and the UART labels are on the opposite. I want to add a MCP23017 I2C Serial Interface to expand the GPIO’s as I want to add the below to have one unit that meets all my needs: HC-SR501 Human Sensor GY-BME280 Temperature Humidity Sensor GY-302 BH1750 Light Intensity Sonoff-Tasmota provides all (Sonoff) modules in one file and starts with module Sonoff Basic. ( only RX and TX ) RX pin works eWeLink official Home Assistant Add-on has released the beta version. Great for all of your environmental sensing projects. 20A max load to monitor the appliances power LEGO nightstand switch using Sonoff SV; Add a physical button to Sonoff Basic; Remote button for Sonoff; Expand Sonoff S20 with a jack plug; Expand Sonoff 4CH with a jack plug; Modify KaKu to WKaKu Power Socket; GPIO Locations for some devices 【Wider Monitoring Range】Temperature measuring range from -40℃ to +85℃ and humidity measuring range from 0 to 100%RH. 【RJ9 Connector】The sensor connector is upgraded to RJ9 4P4C, supporting hot-plugging making the connection more stable and reliable. I have a borehole on my property and I control the booster pump with a Sonoff TH16. Either it can be controlled by the device button, or remotely controlled by connecting to APP (eWeLink) 【Specially designed for mobile devices and Internet of Things applicationsl】With I2C displays are connected in the usual manner and defined via Tasmota pin selection. 3V and do i2cscan command. I2C device/devices Sonoff SC is an ESP8266 based WiFi environmental monitor device. Home Automation Sonoff-Tasmota Sensors, LEDs Development Board, ESP12: I have been blown away by the capability of the Sonoff-Tasmota firmware for the Sonoff devices. The sensor connector is upgraded to RJ9 4P4C, supporting hot-plugging making the connection more stable and reliable. ESPHome. Please be gentle, i am a noob. By default there is only 1 I2C bus available. By default, sensors are named using the <sensor model>-<n> scheme (e. 7k is Commands~. make sure with a s2cscan that the address has no conflicts. But so far it isn´t possible/working. Provide ESP32 with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO - letcher/Sonoff-Tasmota. Sonoff-Tasmota provides all (Sonoff) modules in one file and starts with module Sonoff Basic. TempOffset can be used for calibrating the measured temperature. So I started out by modifying one to use a different bus from the standard one - this is PZEM004T, Wemos D1 Mini and a 1602 I2C display - FengtianGu/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki. 4. I2C Interface Timing Diagram Stop Setup Time tSPS 0. So, sensor has 1-wire bus "like am2301" and compatible with all In diesem Video zeige ich euch, wie ihr Tasmota auf euern Sonoff flashen könnt! Benutzt wird die Software Tasmotizer. Affected component: i2c, BME680, custom sensor? Description of problem: I belive it is possible to use a second i2c and also use the "set_i2c_parent" function to assign the sensor to this second bus. Once uploaded select module using the configuration webpage or the commands Modules and Module . The I2C Adress must be given by DisplayAddress XX, e. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I've disabled UART and setup I2C plus the sensor as follows: Problem-relevant YAML-configuration entries: Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 3. Serial communication is used by these devices to transfer the data from the MCU chip to Since the Sonoff POW does not allow sensors to be connected because it has an over-all mains voltage, I have redesigned the Cadmium housing so that a normal Sonoff basic fits inside. It’s not i2c. Sonoff IFAN04 with ESPHome. I received 2 sonoff s20's in the mail. I configured the esphpme config to use the HTU21D Temperature+Humidity Sensor and tried various versions of the ESPhome I²C Bus config, with no luck. 1 fork Report repository Releases ESP (ESP32/ESP8266, Board/Sonoff): ESP32. Also requires USE_I2C: USE_DISPLAY_SSD1306: Enable OLED SSD1306 display. In order to use the Sonoff D1 Dimmer (Tasmota/DIY) use the following settings: Mandatory Hardware Sonoff D1 Dimmer (Tasmota/DIY) Address Enter the hostname or IP address including port number. good tip Type - Very useful information question Type - Asking for Information. 18 I get DNS: Failed in the console every second. x; Migrate to Sonoff-Tasmota 4. GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. Sonoff Pow, SONOFF Smart Power Meter Switch | POW Origin —Doc include product FCC/CE Certification, User Manual, Specification and Quick Start. 3 — — µs SDA Setup Time tDS 100 — — ns SDA Hold Time tDH 100 — — ns SDA Valid Time tVD;DAT From SCL low to data valid — — 0. But not directly after sending the command, just after some minutes. ESP8266 library for ADE7953 energy measurement chip i2c. Then, tried to upgrade to my image, but I got 'buffer miscompare', so I flashed the minimal image. Ubuntu 20. This means when you add or remove a sensor, the numbers of the sensors may change. Then I found my problem in the link below. The easy Drag-and-Drop components and simple ASCII text based instructions will dramatically reduce your HMI Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE, enhanced with I2C options - rophos/Sonoff-Tasmota Sonoff WiFi Switch is a great and cheap IOT device. Wemos D1 This is an user defined driver for Sonoff-Tasmota to support the cheap I2C temperature/humidity sensor AM2320. Usually you add the sonoff controller in addition to what is there. DO NOT CONNECT ANY SENSOR TO THESE DEVICES. 0~3. 8473 \times 200 \times 10 I've added #define USE_AHT2x to the user config, and compiled. Sonoff 4CH; Sonoff 4CH Pro; Sonoff 4CH DIY; Sonoff B1 / B1 R2; Sonoff Basic R1/R2/R3; Sonoff Dual; Sonoff Dual R2; Sonoff iFan02; Sonoff iFan03; Sonoff Mini; Sonoff Pow; Sonoff Pow R2; Sonoff PSA; Sonoff RF; Sonoff RF R3; Sonoff RF Bridge 433; Sonoff S20 Smart Socket; Sonoff S26 Smart Socket; Sonoff S31; Sonoff SC; Sonoff Slampher; Sonoff SV S31/S31LITE Smart Plug Energy Monitoring US—Doc include product FCC/CE Certification, User Manual, Specification and Quick Start. 0 USB Dong - /dev/serial/by-id/ Zigbee Home Automation Do you want to set up Recently I upgraded my Sonoff Dual R2 from Tasmota v8. The tactile button is used as a reset switch connecting the RST pin to GND when pressed, and RST to VCC through a 10K pull up resistor. With the current version I2C scan is possible to connect many sensors at one GPIO. This setting affects all temperature sensors on the device. ino file in the sonoff-folder, recompile, upload/flash and configure I2C in Sonoff. GPIO00 - Button GPIO01 - TX (labelled wrong as RX) Also connected to the RF Remote IC GPIO02 - N/C If you need analog on sonoff u need to be either be a soldering guru (soldering to chip) or use the i2c analog expander (see wiki). 0. Oriented on Cadmium: Except the printed parts, the following parts are required: 【Wider Monitoring Range】Temperature measuring range from -40℃ to +85℃ and humidity measuring range from 0 to 100%RH. Laptop: i5-4310U, 8GBRam, 250GB HD, hd Graphics 4400. : 12 Okt 2017, 18:46. Sonoff Pow is WiFi wireless switch connects to your home appliances and electrical devices via WiFi, making them controllable by APP EweLink through WiFi/2G/3G/4G network. Parts needed. The I²C Bus is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work. This adapter will serve as a bridge between our USB to serial converter and the Sonoff Basic, ensuring the proper alignment and Wemos D1 Mini and BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor - FengtianGu/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki. DH1750 Luminosity Sensor (I2C) The BH1750 is a digital ambient light sensor module which uses I2C to communicate. If you are using breakout boards which break out pins CSB please ensure that you connect this pin to VCC to ensure that the chip stays in I 2 C mode. 5. Sonoff Zigbee bridge Serial logging is disabled by the Tasmota code for several modules and components (e. Sonoff told me they are not connected to anything but these test points. 【Easy To Use】Just plug the THS01 sensor into TH Elite/TH Origin. Sonoff 4CH R2 / Sonoff 4CH R3~ Board is labelled Sonoff 4CH R2 V1. Just drop the driver file into the sonoff subdirectory of your copy of Tasmota, add a #define USE_AM2320 preprocessor statement to your my_user_config. But it is possible to add more I2C busses to your Raspberry PI. 60, and the model set with DisplayModel,e. One with a older model of regulator and Connected Power Meter using PZEM-004T, Wemos D1 Mini and a 1602 I 2 C display This tutorial shows how to use the I2C LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with the ESP32 using Arduino IDE. 📅 Last Modified: Thu, 29 Nov 2018 15:20:10 GMT. I can see that others got this to work (here #96 ), maybe wi We need two pins: I2C SCL (5) and I2C SDA (6) gpio - show current defined sensors on supported GPIO pins; gpio14 5 - select I2C SCL (Wait for the restart) gpio4 6 - select I2C SDA (Wait for the restart) The software will autodetect the connected I2C devices. I got the impression that the sensors has Sonoff Basic R3~ This is the board layout for the third design iteration of the Sonoff Basic. edgiru opened this issue Aug 21, 2019 · 16 comments Labels. But I can´t find any documentation on how to achieve this May goal is to hook up 4 BME680 to an ESP32 This sensor uses I2C address 0x5A. ESPHome floor SONOFF POW Elite Smart Power Meter Switch is a smart switch with power monitoring. 4. Did you try this? Best Martin. For some sensors to show up a power cycle of Sonoff is needed to reset the devices just No, SHT3X uses the i2c bus and therefor will not work with only one GPIO . Is the any plans on support for Sonoff Si7021 sensor which is slightly different from Sonoff am2301? Skip to content. Flashing process will be the same for each type. To permanently turn the display on set DisplayDimmer 100. I've flashed the Sonoff with the base Tasmota, everything worked fine. Assigning GPIO4 as User allows a Template to have correct GPIOs for this device even if nothing is plugged in. My ESPHome Configuration. Enable LCD display. Now it's time to make a backup and save it so that Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Pro; ZB-GW03 eWeLink Ethernet Zigbee Gateway (also sold as EACHEN Zigbee Smart Hub and SmartWise Zigbee Bridge Pro) Tube's Ethernet Zigbee Gateway (EFR32 variant) DIY Zigbee gateway/bridge device example based on Ebyte E180-ZG120B or E180-ZG120B-TB; Flashing and installation instructions for ESP8266 based: Sonoff ZBBridge Sonoff WiFi Smart Switch With I2C Port – JackenHack. Which gpio’s are available on specific sonoff? 【ESP8285 Chip】 Ultra-low-power Wi-Fi switch module series based on ESP8285. The SONOFF SNZB-02 sensor is built on the cc2530 microcontroller, the sensor for measuring temperature and humidity was selected hdc1080 , apparently ITEAD tried to Hello gemu2015 I would like to use the display (SS1351 128x128 OLED Display). It is different than the other GPIO pins, and has some limitations. 0 and started to experience Problems using my BME280 Sensor over i2c. They do operate in AC high voltage. So I suggest to implement the use of virtual I²C-buses in Tasmota. Instead of 0 you can use off or false and instead of 1 you can use on or true. Allows control over MQTT , HTTP You can add I2C sensors using the following (MQTT) commands: modules - show supported modules; module 1 - select desired module functionality for a Sonoff Basic (Wait for GPIO16 is the RTC GPIO pin. 5mm jack, while Sonoff Pow is a WiFi relay capable of measuring power consumption. 9 µs SDA Acknowledge Valid Time tVD;ACK From SCL low to data valid — — 0. Click Configuration -> Configure Module -> Pick SONOFF S31 and hit Save. Latest tested version 5. Many serial programmers do not have a voltage regulator on board like the pictured ones. You can switch off serial and use rx tx pins (gpio 1+3) a i2c ports Domoticz on Raspi 2 -- 14 ESP units (hacked Sonoff,NodeMCUs, Wemos, self-built units) running with RC140- Mega 2. 2 for SSD1306. 3 watching Forks. I have a couple I use with a Sonoff S22 and works I'm trying to use I2C sensor (BH1750) on the Sonoff Dual R2. Add multiple sensors with minimal GPIO pin usage with a wide array of sensors on the market. And iFan04-L Wi-Fi Ceiling Fan And Light Controller—Doc include product FCC/CE Certification, User Manual, Specification and Quick Start. Related Posts. I want to add a MCP23017 I2C Serial Interface to Sonoff-Tasmota provides all (Sonoff) modules in one file and starts with module Sonoff Basic. Sign in original Si7021 is the chip with I2C bus, but ITEAD built "sensor with controller inside". 0 Sensors; Sonoff Dual R2; Two Buttons on GPIO 0 & GPIO 9; BME280 i2C Sensor on GPIO 1 & GPIO 3 Follow these steps to setup your Sonoff D1 Dimmer in DIY mode. You signed out in another tab or window. Connecting serial with your PC will fry your PC and will electrocute you. Tasmota v8. 2 °C. But: To access the GPIO-ports 1 and 3 you have to open the case of Sonoff 4CH Irrigation Controller with Nextion Display by @bruxy70. This ESPHome configuration file reproduces the functionality of the original IFAN04 firmware. Flashing the ESP8266 Hi All, Thank you so much for your work on this 🙂 I currently flashed: Sonoff Ifan04 - ESPHome working code - #28 by NigelHA Before I install this in the fan and 3d print a few brackets and such I have this device: Its a Tuya enabled thing and Noticed the following: The ifan has 4 relays [lamp, low, med, high], The Lucci has 3 [lamp, low, med]? Any recommendations I2C connection to Sonoff Basic #2408. D2 GPIO04 : 06 I2C SDA; D1 GPIO05 : 05 I2C SCL; After reboot of the device the displays the TSL2561 Illuminance. 1 Like. Hugo477 opened this issue Apr 10, 2018 · 3 comments Labels. They were one of the first companies selling these type of devices to the market that were usable for uploading custom If I issue SetOption55 1 on the console using 6. The goal is to document all devices capable of running the firmware along with a basic configuration yaml that can be easily copied and uploaded which restores the device back to its original functionality. awaiting feedback Action - Waiting for response or more information troubleshooting Type - Troubleshooting. Ih you disable the serial port of the device in Advanced Settings, you will have access to GPIO 1 and GPIO 3 of the built in ESP. The devices are easily hacked and are cheap. As GPIOs 5,13 and 14 are being used to connect the HLW8012 or CSE7759 current-sensor, and GPIO 12 triggers the relay I do not have to much left so I soldered a cable directly to the Pins of the ESP8266 Chip on GPIO4 playing around with the SONOFF S20 I wanted to access I2C on this device. I dont get any sensor appearing when flashing Tasmota 5. Additionally it enables the use of the I2C bus. ⚠️️️ Do not connect AC power and the serial connection at the same time ️️️⚠️️️. 【4 Gang Switch Control】Used as a switch control for 1-4 household appliances. Compatible with IFTTT. Hooking it up was quite simple as the pinouts on the breakout I have match the header on the Sonoff (Vcc, SCL, SDA, Gnd). This is my first step into the great world of home automation and linux. 9. More information Setup. 00 temp/hum reading (so yeah, it's not a I2C bus sensor). ino: Serial: 2018: Theo Arends Sonoff WiFi Switch is a great and cheap IOT device. GPIO0 is connected to SCL, and WARNING The Sonoff CH4 PRO is subject to radio frequency disturbances with random activation of the buttons. UART/I2C GPIO/PWM Operating voltage : 3. DS18B20-1), where the number is practically random (based on the sensor's address). 2 stars Watchers. Is there any other sensor (temperature is enough for me) that will work on three wires on Sonoff basic and is compatible with ESP Esphome has two si7021 sensors, one that is i2c and another for sonoff that works with one-wire, similar to the th20 family. Like the Wemos DHT11 shield specs the DATA OUT pin of Wemos DHT22 is connected to D4 of the Wemos. How to use commands~. 3 Figure 1. The picture shows how ESPHome Device Configuration Repository. if you have the Adafruit board check on the 3V3 output is enough voltage. 1 128x64 I2C OLED screen; The schematic. ; After reboot select config menu again or use commands GPIOs and GPIO to change GPIO with desired sensor. Read the Contributing Guide and Policy and the Code of Conduct; Searched the problem in issues; Searched the problem in the docs; Searched the problem in the forum; Searched the problem in the chat; Device used (e. 1) with the Si7021 sensor. g. It appears that the SHT30 has two I2C addresses (0x44 and 0x45), which are available on the Wemos D1 knock-offs that I have. GD32F103xx ARM Cortex -M3 32-bit MCU sram ahb Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Automated Bathroom Ventilation by Intermittent Technology. REQUESTED INFORMATION. Do not connect Sonoff devices to AC current during the flashing. Code Issues Pull requests use Sonoff Dual as shutter for HomeMatic. Specifications. 0 dev8 connected both to i2c; configured the sonoff sc to I2C, then restart; after reboot opend the web ui; the SHT31 was visible; the TSl was not visible; i2cscan shows both addresses and they are ok. Sonoff SC Serial Connection / Flashing~. The heated metal oxide changes resistance based on the volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the air, so it can be used to detect gasses & alcohols such as Ethanol, Alcohol and TH10 TH16 Temp & Humi Monitoring Smart Switch—Doc include product FCC/CE Certification, User Manual, Specification and Quick Start. And just plug the standard default light switch direct into it for a super cheap control option. It works fine through ewlink with original Sonoff FW but not ESPHome. Resources. Add a static picture as background, define functions by components, you can make a simple GUI in minutes. I2C + BME280 + Sonoff Basic #6270. i2c: sda: GPIO3 scl: GPIO1 scan: True sensor: - platform: bme280 temperature: name: I have a TH10 with an official SI7021 sensor connected. The HDC1080 is another accurate I2C digital humidity sensor. Power ON turns first defined power output Other than that, we can observe that the PMIC is the rk809 and is controlled via I²C. SONOFF POW Elite Smart Power Meter Switch is a smart switch with power monitoring. h right below the #ifdef USE_I2C statement around line 290. They have two versions. ; Release the button: After a few You could technically attach an I2C I/O expander IC there as well maybe. To assign a static alias to a certain ID, you can use DS18Alias command. With this version, the mains power reverts to solder rails directly on the PCB. These, combined with a Raspberry Pi loaded with Node-Red and a MQTT broker (Mosquitto) provides huge scope for delivering many home automation needs. , Sonoff POW, Sonoff S31, Sonoff Dual (v1), Tuya dimmers, PZEM components, etc. Case in point: the $5 Sonoff WiFi Smart Switch has an ESP8266 inside but the I have my new version Sonoff Basic (flashed with Tasmota), and an MCP23017 I2C Serial Interface. I have a TH16 with an official SI7021 sensor connected. Sonoff S20 comes in 4 different plug type variations. Reload to refresh your session. This website is a repository of device configuration templates and setup guides for devices running ESPHome firmware. The PROBLEM DESCRIPTION A wrong sensor is detected on the i2C bus. As they usually all operate Alternative firmware for ESP8266 based devices like iTead Sonoff with web UI, rules and timers, OTA updates, custom device templates and sensor support. Wemos DHT Shield~. I tried adding the 7021 as an I2C device but i got a constant 0/00 / 0. Now I can operate up to four i2c sensors with the Tasmota firmware. The complete guide to set up Philips Hue Bulbs on SONOFF NSPanel: get the perfect Hue lighting on a panel Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE, enhanced with I2C options - stefanbode/Sonoff-Tasmota Sonoff Safe Voltage is almost the same as Sonoff Basic R1. x; Support for I2C over Serial #22444; Support KNX for scripts #22429; Support deep sleep (standby) for VL53L0X #22441; Support for Shelly DALI Dimmer Gen3; Support for HLK-LD2410S 24GHz smart wave motion sensor #22253; Sonoff TH16 is a WiFi 16A relay that can take external sensors via a 2. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Sonoff wifi switch wiring diagram. D3 GPIO0 Button1 Button1 (17) TX GPIO1 Serial Out I2C SCL (5) display 0led 128x64 D4 GPIO2 AN2301 (2) temperature & humidity sensor RX GPIO3 Serial In I2C SDA (6) display oled 128x64 D2 GPIO4 D1 GPIO5 When checking the Sonoff-Basic GPIO Locations it mentions to access GPIO 04 you must solder wire to pin on ESP chip. The company sent me both items for review, and I’ll start by checking out the hardware a little more closely than what is Customise your Sonoff home automation controllers with a memory upgrade, weatherproof housing, control switches, sensors, and custom firmware. This thread discusses the Sonoff WiFi Switch is a great and cheap IOT device. ; See Wiki for more information. output, like I²C. 1. 1. The RX Hello, I’ve previously used Tasmota and wanted to switch to ESPHome. We’ll show you how to wire the display, install the library and try sample code to write text on the LCD: static text, and scroll Commands can be issued using MQTT, web requests, webUI console and serial. 9 µs You can use them for I2C or extra pins for fun. Skip to content. It is reported as BMP280 --> OK VEML6070 UV sensor --> KO It should be AHT20 + BMP280. About. Please see the Hardware Preparation page for general instructions. On one of my Sonoff Basics I’ve connected a BME280 Temperature/Humidity sensor. The humidity output has a typical accuracy of ±4% and the temperature output has a typical accuracy of ±0. 390 RSL: RESULT = Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO - efal/Sonoff-Tasmota. I tried the below configuration but it doesn’t recognize the sensor. I don’t believe they are connected to anything besides these test points on the back of the board. The Nextion Editor software offers an easy way to create the intuitive and superb touch user interface even for beginners. It’s just that that the UART connectors have been moved to the side. What is Arduino UNO? Arduino UNO is one of the most commonly available Arduino type of a programming My main ESPHome configuration. By adding I2C, you can connect a whole range of sensors. Sensors Supported by Tasmota - RTurala/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki After looking at this further, I realized that the UART has not been swapped for I2C. As a nice bonus, it even includes a programmable gain amplifier, up to x16, to help boost up But 4&5 are now used for I2C connection. 【RJ9 Connector】The sensor connector is upgraded to RJ9 4P4C, supporting hot SONOFF Si7021 Sensor Temperature and Humidity Sensor for SONOFF TH10 and SONOFF TH16 Smart WiFi DavidFW1960 (David) July 16, 2020, 7:38am 6. You can adjust the radiator valve from the App control your home temperature, automate your heating system, Hi there I have started a project to optimise my irrigation system based on moisture measurements of the soil. But the 5$ device can do a lot more. Sonoff Basic wiring. Once uploaded select module using the configuration webpage or the commands Modules and Module. It uses I2C for data transfer so it works with a wide range of microcontrollers. Expanding Sonoffs - RTurala/Sonoff-Tasmota GitHub Wiki One capability of Tasmota is that you can connect additional things to available pins on the ESP8266 that controls these devices. But, when a user decides to connect a sensor using the jack, GPIO4 can be set to the type of sensor through the Configure Module page. The Sonoff Basic R3 uses the ESP8285 chip. Both have been designed by ITEAD Studio, and feature Espressif ESP8266 WiSoC. Button marked FW/IO0 is connected to GPIO0 and can be used to bring the module into flash mode. Readme License. or you can use a 4. Stars. This article is introducing you to how to add your Thanks for nice library. in your “switch” section, find the sonoff with the INA219 attached and get the state topic name: for this example i used “yoursonoffname”. Additionally, the speaker amplifier is built into the PMIC chip. The ESP requires at least 150mA, many 3. I have a BMP180 running on a Sonoff TH with Tasmota. Now I’ve replaced the firmware in several devices. And sometimes, that stuff is hackable. Sonoff Pow can report your connected device’s immediate wattage consumption or kWh energy usage over a period of time, and generate monthly power usage reports. The microphone array operates through PDM. GPIO2 to AM2301 (2); Temperature measuring range from -40℃ to +85℃ and humidity measuring range from 0 to 100%RH. TASMOTA Settings The power calibration for the S31 is usually pretty close on default but it can be fine tuned via Tasmota Calibration Procedure. If a pin is defined as GPIO_USER in the module template, you can assign it one of the following functions (as of 3/9/17 version 4. Most likely if not connected it will float so the I2C address may change during usage - Connect SD0 to ground and do i2cscan command, also try to connect to 3. Also requires USE_I2C / Now with Universal Display Driver: USE_DISPLAY_MATRIX: Enable MATRIX display: USE_DISPLAY_ILI9341: Enable TFT ILI9341 display. It detects current temperature, humidity, light intensity, air quality (particulate), and even sound levels (noise pollution), and directly send realtime data to iOS/Android APP EWeLink. BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Pressure Sensor (I2C) "BME280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature, Since the chip supports both SPI and I2C, but in Tasmota only I2C is supported you want to make sure that the chip is Sonoff ITEAD is a brand for several off-the-shelf Smart Home WLAN devices like switches that use the ESP8266 chip. iFan04 ESP8285 Pinout. I flashed them with espeay r148 and set it all up for working I have 2 questions 1) does this support i2c? I know the firmware does and the chip but does anybody know where to hook it up? or am I going to have to look at the pitout diagram and jankily solder wires to the I2c pins? Si7021-A20 6 Rev. 04 Instaled HA via Snap Localhost:8123 New device discorverd Sonoff Zigbee 3. In the previous article, we already got the partitions read out. Star 6. Note: RL560 is a new sensor This lovely sensor for Silicon labs has ± 3% relative humidity measurements with a range of 0–80% RH, and ±0. Both sonoff RE5V1 and basic have gpio 4 and 5 available on solder pads. Therefore I thought it should be possible to disable serial communication in the advanced ESPEasy settings and make use of GPIO 1 & 3 for these two switches. I've added it as a DHT11/12/22 SONOFF2301/7021 with GPIO-14 (D5) and it started showing the values but very rarely, "nan / nan" shows up very often in the Hello together, I recently bought a Sonoff Pow R2 and thought: Hey would be nice to add I2C support to it, so I can attach additional sensors. Sonoff wifi relay switch connection problem (and some questions) Sonoff wifi 32v canaux socket télécommande monitoring humidity th16 Sonoff wifi consumo 220vac monitor. The chip can be configured as 4 single-ended input channels, or two differential channels. In the Configuration -> Configure Module page assign:. At the same time you can connect any I2C sensor to same two pins, just make sure that it will have different address than mcp chip. After a reboot the driver will detect BME280 automatically and display temperature, humidity and pressure measured. Also requires USE_SPI if seconds SPI bus on ESP32 shall be used SSPI must be defined instead of SPI I can´t get my Sonoff radio to work. S31 vs S31 Lite. Re: Sonoff basic - use RX and TX pins as GPIO #5 Bericht door kimot » 10 Mei 2021, 19:03 I am using Sonoff Basic "new layout", which has got no IO port on its pin header. . 6 — — µs Bus Free Time tBUF Between Stop and Start 1. Second BH1750 detected as DHT12 on i2c bus. Universal menu system for devices with rotary encoder with push and SSD1306 I2C display by @mikosoft83. What hardware you are using generic Devices with the same I²C-Address cannot be used on the same I²C-bus. Full Sonoff S20. For example Sonoff's use GPIO-0 always for a button, which makes flashing also a lot easier. esp8266 blind homematic sonoff sonoff-dual loxone shutter esp8285 Just replace the xsns_bmp. , Sonoff Basic): Wemos D1 Mini Quick and Easy GUI. 3): If you take a Sonoff Basic and connect a switch between pin4 (GND) and pin5 (GPIO14) of the 5 pin programming header you now have a second switch connected to the device. 20A max load to monitor the appliances power consumption of your whole room. 13:04:02. 3V serial programmers cannot supply this much current as many serial programming tasks do not require a large amount of power. disconnected the SHT31 sensor while all is running; Sonoff S31. Example sensors: HTU21D SONOFF Thermostatic Radiator Valve (TRV) is designed to be installed on the radiator valve for your home heating control. ). This must be enabled by setting Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE - Now EOL - arendst/Sonoff-MQTT-OTA-Arduino Sonoff WiFi Smart Switch With I2C Port – JackenHack It runs via I2C, so it requires only two pins, which are available on pretty much all sonoff’s. Recompile Tasmota, flash To put the CH340G adapter in programming mode, follow these steps:. Only other thing was to add terminating resistors on the I2C lines. Every command used without a parameter (payload) returns the current setting. GPIO Layout You signed in with another tab or window. 6V(recommend 3. Some time ago I showed the Sonoff THR320D thermostat with display and presented the possibilities of the eWeLink application. Anybody else too? After sending SetOption55 0 and a reboot the DNS 1: HLW8012 based: Energy sensor, (Sonoff Pow, KMC70011, HuaFan, AplicWDP303075, Teckin Power Socket) xnrg_01_hlw8012. 367 CMD: i2cscan 13:04:02. These are the differences between the two: * It can be powered by DC voltage * It has more usable GPIO pins - GPIO4 - GPIO5 - GPIO14 * It has two LED status lights (RED and GREEN) * The traces on the bottom aren't soldered * The GND, TX, RX and 3v3 pins are labeled Economies of scale and mass production bring us tons of stuff for not much money. It works fine through ewlink with original Sonoff FW 2. Power returns the status of first defined power output (usually Relay1). Is it possible to allow assigning them for use in I2C in the web interface? At the moment adding devices isn't possible with this specific Sonoff model. Hello together, I recently bought a But breaking out the ESP8266’s I2C pins the pins that ESPEasy uses for software-emulated I2C turns this little “switch” into something much more useful — a wall-powered IoT Hi, I am working on something where I have a Sonoff Basic in the Ceiling rose controlling my lights, I02 for light switch. What I would do is find where the controller is in that fan and remove it and connect the Sonoff to the same wires where it was. In Tasmota, I have configured GPIO1 as 05 I2CSCL, and GPIO3 as 06 I2C SDA. 7k resistor if you want them to be about the same. Warning: Sonoff devices are not toys. You can check real-time data anytime and control appliances on/off by app. GPL-3. The Sonoff brand is a whole series os IOT devices that use the esp8266 WiFi processor internally. Connected Power Meter using PZEM-004T, Wemos D1 Mini and a 1602 I 2 C display. Flashing the S20 with espeasy is a known procedure and widely documented. You'll have to use a different pin. As with the Sensirion sensors, the HDC1080 might be hard to come by, though for a different reason. 0 or 4CH R3 V1. Sonoff NSPanel Pro 120: Backup. See Community for forum and more THS01-DOC includes Product Quick Start. Updated Mar 27, 2021; C; jp112sdl / SonoffDualShutterHMLOX. SeRiusRod (Sergio) September 25, 2022, 8:22am 60. 0 to v10. No description, website, or topics provided. Sign in enables use of 24C256 i2c eeprom to expand script buffer (defaults to 4k) #define SUPPORT_MQTT_EVENT : enables support for subscribe unsubscribe Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE, enhanced with I2C options - MacPolak/Sonoff-Tasmota Arduino UNO can be used to install a custom firmware on a Sonoff device when a FTDI converter is not available. The GND connection of the S31 is connected to the live AC wire. It would be very nice to add a BMP180 and SI7021 :-) Hi, I am working on something where I have a Sonoff Basic in the Ceiling rose controlling my lights, I02 for light switch. The BME680 takes those sensors to the next step in that it contains a small MOX sensor. oewlhh ddmerk lwubp tzz okmui innim hvwnbf hkms ugoh pkb