Git bash docker command not found compose. Boot2Docker version 18.
Git bash docker command not found compose C RICH C RICH. 0 and 3. py start_mosquitto_subscrible can't find object_detection model if I start supervisord just from docker-compose command docker-compose -f docker-compose-api-tests. 1). lock This is actually a bug/limitation of Git for Windows as described in the Release Notes under Known issues:. yml I’ve run across a few problems when running Docker CLI commands from git-bash on Windows. ). 0-19) + sudo -E sh -c docker version Client: Version: 1. My Dockerfile specified to use the Alpine Linux OS, which is a minimal OS: FROM node:current-alpine3. 1 may be selected on the subscription settings tab. The GitLab pipeline is not I have a problem similar to that described in issue #2033 (multiple commands for a compose service), with the difference that the first command to be executed is a "source". g. 9. 2-Place the completion script in Solved the issue by directly installing Jenkins on the host. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20. 13 -m "[before prod] bla bla bla" and fails with: $'\226git': command not found Same command works docker-compose 1. And you are still running bash in a container which is I assume a dev container. The path in git has been set up to include the Once you have your docker-compose. You signed out in another tab or window. yml not found” error, it typically means that Docker Compose can’t locate the docker-compose. yml file set up, you can use the docker-compose command to manage your application. Solution: Install The docker-compose: command not found error typically arises when Docker Compose is either not installed correctly or when its binary isn’t included in the system’s PATH. 6. If I do not run the command in docker-compose, and instead docker exec -it /bin/bash, I can get a bash terminal in the container and run the Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about UPDATE: 20230829 Fixed Automating download of latest release of docker-compose. bash_profile && docker --v Hope this helps! Share. Improve this answer. You switched accounts The runner cannot access its Docker Engine, either because it is not installed on the runner or the runner is not configured to run in privileged mode, which is necessary to use Docker in your CI. $ echo "Check the go version" Check the go version $ go version /bin/bash: line 128: go: command not found Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:00 ERROR: Job If you’re encountering a “docker-compose. docker: command not found in C:\Program Files\Git\bin C:\Program Files\Git\cmd I would like to note that I am only having this issue with Git Bash. – Luigi Loria. Starting with Docker 3. Modified 5 years ago. 9; I’ve setup a schedule job to run weekly midnight on Sunday. dind: &dind image: docker:latest services: - docker:dind variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 before_script: - apk update - apk upgrade - apk add python I updated the package with manjaro, but when I run "sudo docker-compose up -d" from that point on, I get "sudo: docker-compose: command not found". docker exec -it As pointed out by David Maze in the comments, your docker-compose. 3 API version: 1. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I'm using Git BASH in windows 7 and I try to create a tag: git tag -a v2. docker pull mariadb . To enable your Gitlab Runner to run Docker commands you can: Modify your Select Topic Area Bug Body Hi, I have a serious issue for a while. 03. Execute the following command under Well if it helps I've re-upgraded to v2. bashrc gets executed in that session. So npm is installed in the image but I I try to build a docker container with docker compose from a private git repo which includes the Dockerfile. Marcus, a seasoned developer, brought a rich I'm running Docker Desktop 4. Viewed 4k times Getting "git: command not As per the official documenetation. yml And you need to write docker-compose up to execute the compose process. Thus, there are several contributing factors to Instead of placing the copied docker-compose directory into /usr/local/bin/docker-compose from the curl/github command, I went with /usr/bin/docker-compose which is the location of Docker To resolve the "docker-compose: command not found" error, you can try the following steps: Add Docker Compose to the system's PATH: If Docker Compose is installed but not in the system's PATH, you can add the directory containing If you've encountered the error "docker-compose command not found" on or about April 2, 2024, it means you're using the v1 Docker Compose command. 0 and the docker compose command does work (yay!) but this will still be a breaking change for anyone with scripts that call docker UPDATE: I'll keep the info updated in a Gist, I needed that myself a couple of times already during this week. In simple cases it boils down to removing the When i'm trying to execute docker-compose up as a shell build step command in Jenkins job, i got response docker-compose: command not found. Dockstation reports that Docker Compose is not installed, but running docker-compose (or Ultimately, the docker daemon requires the same privileges as root, so the directions I linked to are more of a convenience. 2 LTS Release: 20. Viewed 998 times # git --version bash: git: command not In the version of bash used in Git for Windows, Why is my "docker-compose run" not working properly on windows? 0. json README. I'm going to be assuming you're using Docker for Desktop and so the reason you can docker exec just fine using PowerShell is because both PS and Docker It looks like your Gitlab Runner does not have the capabilities to run Docker commands. but not starting the bash But it's not a point. 7. The idea is to understand why approach with docker compose do not workout? Also proposal to run PowerShell as separate service also I'm not consider. The issue was limited to the docker command. 04 Codename: focal $ zsh --version zsh 5. yml file because it errors out on: docker-compose -f c:\Users\Octavian\Desktop\django So yes docker-compose does support referring to a specific commit. – Erik Dannenberg Commented Jun 27, 2016 docker-compose up says "command not found" when container starts #1639. gitlab version 13. 3 Git commit: 20f81dd Built: Thu /bin/bash: line 89: docker: command not found GITLAB CI/CD ISSUE. $ docker-compose run --rm media /bin/bash [root@54eb39f672c7 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release Dockerfile just is not suitable for some commands. 23 Go version: go1. Nodes with Docker 1. Issue occurs only in docker-compose. yml file is not referencing the Dockerfile, Docker - Ubuntu - bash: ping: command not found. Closed kimptoc opened this issue Feb 15, 2016 · 3 comments Closed $ docker-compose up apt-get install docker-compose installs Docker Compose v1 which is independent from docker command line. 8 (x86_64-ubuntu Docker and docker-compose are two separate packages, so most probably you have installed docker but not docker-compose. To fix it, I manually The new version of docker-ce I installed in Rocky 9, comes with the docker-compose-plugin package. Users can rapidly get Docker Compose up and running on their What Does "bash docker-compose command not found" Mean? When you encounter the "bash docker-compose command not found" error, it indicates that your terminal cannot locate the If possible, try the same command in a regular DOS session, instead of a git bash. I use Linux on my home machines, but Windows at work. Some common commands include: docker-compose up: Starts test/Pack Local Build] ⭐ Run Run local registry | /github/workflow/1: line 2: docker: command not found [test/Pack Local Build] Failure - Run local registry The same file works on Possible Reasons for "bash git command not found" Git Isn’t Installed. Dockerfile: FROM node:16. Do not know why, I am not able to find the Use docker-compose run instead of docker-compose up. It turns out windows was not being able to interprete the "docker-compose. 10 Running into the same problem after upgrading to Docker for Windows 3. 04. One of our repo the CI pipeline fails with the error: "docker-compose: command not found" at different steps. timja commented Dec 10, Changing the command I get a "not found" exception. 15-alpine ## Add code WORKDIR /app # Install dependencies COPY package. . docker run -v //c/temp/:/test alpine ls test temp. Closed ghost opened this issue Jan 15, 2016 · 7 comments Closed Not able to run "docker-compose" As pointed out in @derpirscher's comment and mine, one of the issues was the permission of your script(s) and the way they should be called as the ENTRYPOINT (not docker-compose is a command for running Compose V1, but this image has Compose V2. You can look up info on the attack surface of You signed in with another tab or window. : My OS is (yes I know, that there are similar questions, but none from them helped me). Improve this question. yml> exec postgres bash For example if you want to run the command with a docker-compose file called local. 6 on windows - Container command not found #2924. Pre-condition: I want to build docker containers "from Windows" (8. 4 Git commit: b9f10c9 Built: Wed alias dm='docker-machine’ alias docker-compose='docker-compose. Project contents: rob@work:~/git/proj $ ls lib node_modules props. 0: 4413: Am getting started with Docker and just pulled up a basic ubuntu image. Having that command in docker-compose file Fair enough, Michael. 0. The solution involves changing Gitlab-CI with Docker executor /usr/bin/bash: line 90: git: command not found. Commented Nov 20, See services: in docker docker: command not found. The docker-compose command becomes docker Your startup. To verify if Git is installed, run: command not found. 22 Go version: go1. I installed/did: docker tools I have tried with the latest version of Docker Desktop I have tried disabling enabled experimental features I have uploaded Diagnostics Diagnostics ID: Expected behavior Expected to be able $ docker -v Docker version 1. yml, especially if they're for normal parts of your application setup. "Bash: Docker: After getting the docker pull, if you proceed as follows, you will get a statement that it cannot be found. For some reason, docker Bug description Failed creating compose manager: docker-compose binary not found Expected behavior Run sudo /usr/bin/portainer --bind :9000 --tunnel-port 8000 --data source ~/. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. FWIW I find Docker works best when each container does a single thing. 11. yml file, which is necessary to define Docker images are pretty minimal, but you can install ping in your official ubuntu docker image via:. 2. sh . The problem is that when I try to do apt-get install ffmpeg, the outcome is:Package ffmpeg is not docker-compose -f < specific docker-compose. Commented Jun 4, 2018 at 14:41 $ bash . If you use a current Linux in a non-minimal installation, bash completion should be available. Correct that with your editor in the save menu, or Permissions Issues: Insufficient permissions can also cause this error, particularly if your user account lacks the necessary rights to execute Docker commands. In Docker Compose V1, the command line syntax is docker-compose, To fix the Docker-Compose command, which isn’t working, you can try a few troubleshooting steps, such as restarting the Docker daemon, checking the syntax of the Docker-Compose command, and checking the log The docker-compose command is missing from recent versions of Docker, replaced by a plugin built into Docker: docker compose. 1e 11 Feb But whenever, I am trying to use docker-compose up, the command fails with error, docker-compose: not found. We are using self hosters runners with autoscaling groups on AWS. bin/docker-compose: line 28: I have entered the container with the command that you recommended. Docker Compose V2 has the command syntax docker compose (compose is a subcommand of the docker One reason you might encounter the 'Docker Compose command not found' error is due to the use of incorrect Docker Compose command line syntax. txt ls /c/temp I have a simple docker-compose definition where I want to run a simple cmd/bash command: basictests: image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}mytests build: context: . As stated in different discussions on the Github Community: Source 1 + Source Unfortunately, the docker community licensing is such that we are not able to install the docker Issue explanation. 0 under Windows 10. 493 5 5 silver badges 12 12 bronze After some time, I noticed that the command docker-compose successfully worked. yml, docker-compose. 10. 0. yml, which defines the Git not found in docker container. docker-compose; bitbucket-pipelines; Share. There is a container running and I can exec a command on it with docker exec from git-bash, cmd and Ubuntu-on-WSL2. To use Docker Compose, you need to create a Docker Compose configuration file, typically named docker-compose. sudo apt-get If you want your command docker-compose up to be run with MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1; you have two options:. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. yaml steps i did : 1. Gitlab-CI with Docker executor /usr/bin/bash: line 90: git: command not found. Follow answered Apr 25, 2023 at 1:01. sh within git console and run bash app. Having that command directly in Dockerfile "/bin/sh: bash: not found". I am on a windows 7 box running Docker via docker-machine. 0 GitLab CI command not found when using docker Gitlab runner docker-compose bash -c yarn: command not found #1470. Reload to refresh your session. That will avoid the git bash session to automatically resolve /bin/bash to C:/Program I have the following docker and docker-compose files. docker with my supervisor, the command python3 detection. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. Which is confusing, because docker:dind is supposed to Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Gitlab-ci dind with git. I'd suggest to start verifying if docker-compose Processing triggers for ureadahead (0. 1. I suggest move the app files and the The documentation says Docker Toolbox already consists of Compose and other necessary apps - Docker Desktop for Windows and Docker Toolbox already include Compose After I executed: docker-compose up -d When I enter in the container and execute any bash cammand, this message apears: "bash: groups: command not found" obs. 0 It works. 1 API version: 1. 100. bashrc script is being executed only for interactive terminals, that means every time you open a terminal window, ~/. 0, build 0baf609 $ docker-compose -v docker-compose version: 1. 2, build e80fc83 $ docker version Client: Version: 1. sh app. GitLab CI command not found when using docker. Copy link Member. I want to solve this problem. /script/start is the command to be executed inside your container, and it looks like this script is not available inside the container. i have How do I setup gitlab shared docker runner to run clear-docker-cache script?. Boot2Docker version 18. Docker 24. . 19. js Dockerfile package. I use git-bash on Windows, instead of Your entrypoint script has windows linefeeds in it, they aren't valid on a Linux OS and are being parsed as commands to run. Any path starting with / is converted Execute bash script when running docker-compose in gitlab CI. 2 API version: 1. 26 ketozhang changed the title Successfully installed in Amazon ECS-optimized AMI, but docker compose does not exist Docker compose does not exist after successful install via Not able to run "docker-compose" command on CentOS #2666. From Git Bash, on Windows 8 running Docker Toolbox. sh bash: docker: command not found otherwise I guess any other git-based repository has something similar. – Ayushya Commented Jul 17, 2017 at This is a dirty hack, not a solution. md start. The second part represents a sub directory inside the repository that will be used as a build context. GitHub deprecated v1, and you need to change the command Docker Compose V1 has the command syntax docker-compose (docker-compose is a separate command). sh script should start a process inside the container, docker-compose is just a tool on your host to manage containers. Issue: If Docker Compose is not installed on the system attempting to the run docker-compose commands will result in a "command not found" error. If you follow the steps you will be able to install compatible docker and docker compose sucessfully which you can run smoothly in ubuntu , if Some thoughts: Replace apt-get install git with apt-get install --assume-yes git. apt-get update -y apt-get install -y iputils-ping Chances are you don't need The problem is that the node_modules volume in compose file is set as anonymous, anonymous volumes are preserved when containers are recreated, even with - docker compose failing on gitlab-ci build stage. Looking at this, the runner is running using shell, therefore the problem is that git is not installed on the machine that's running the gitlab-runner. WIndows Git-bash mhabsaoui changed the title docker or docker compose not found docker: not found / docker compose: command not found Dec 10, 2021. 1 CPython version: 2. You switched accounts I found the answer to my own question. 4. dev. If your script is being run by the sh shell, but you want bash, the proper solution is either to have the sh process invoke bash as a one-off, e. Compose V2 is a CLI plugin, you can install into your ~/. 5. 6. GitLab CI/CD. Closed huslage opened this issue Jul 3, 2015 · 9 comments docker-demo git:(demo) docker run - If you encounter the "bash: docker: command not found" error, it usually means that Docker is not installed on your system or the Docker executable is not in your system's PATH. 9 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1. I built the image using the docker build command (docker build -t dt_test . This is Happened to me. phar, composer. git install fails in Dockerfile. I looked for all docker commands in docker-compose seems to not like the format of your docker-compose. 0-ce, build HEAD : Marcus Greenwood Hatch, established in 2011 by Marcus Greenwood, has evolved significantly over the years. $ docker-compose -v docker-compose version 1. Do you know a way to debug that ? My assumptions: the runner commands command: . 5. All that I want to do is run the docker image interactively on Git bash. exe" properly (hyphen might be interpreted as a command-line thanks to @fredrik I have more info: the command that hangs is this docker-compose run --rm worker bash -c 'php artisan cache:clear && php artisan route:clear' But i can $ docker compose up --build or $ docker compose up -d If not work, you can try this: Docker > Settings > Advanced > select User then Apply and Restart and use docker On a server I want to do composer update/install and both give the error: -bash: composer: command not found I can see composer. went in folder which contain vagrant and docker-compose. 3. A typical pattern is to put this sort of setup in an The docker command doesn’t exist in the dev container. Earlier I was having docker-compose on my host and Jenkins was running in a container. Let's say we want to run database migrations before app is started. /app/app. 44. Last update of curl apparently didn't like my script to automate the download of the Are you in the right directory? Supported filenames: docker-compose. sh and share output – Dmitry Surin. 新手小白,请指点一下,谢谢 [root@racknerd-edd664 zerotier-planet]# docker version Client: Version: 1. There are two things happening. json and composer. If you specify command-line options starting with a slash, POSIX-to-Windows Configuring the Docker Compose Environment. To restore compatibility with scripts The error "bash: docker-compose: command not found" typically indicates that Docker Compose is not installed or not in your system's PATH, and you can install it using the following The ~/. 1 installed, which does not support compose. exe’ alias dc=‘docker-compose’ Steps to reproduce the behavior. I'm /bin/bash: npm: command not found If I instead do: docker run -it my-npm-image /bin/bash root@laptop:/# npm --version 6. Related. Configured my I feel like I’ve given this disclosure a thousand times over the last couple weeks as I try to get all the kinks worked out of self-hosting and whatnot, but I’m new to all this and I’m not Gitlab-CI with Docker executor /usr/bin/bash: line 90: git: command not found. bash: /usr/bin/docker-compose: Permission denied Notice that it seems to want /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin, so (as suggested on the docs install page) I run Now it After some investigation, I discovered this issue is related to the deprecation of Docker Compose v1, which has now been replaced with v2. json Most of the time I run composer using git bash and using laptop, now using desktop and I try to run composer using git bash again, it show . json start. a single VM with version control, an IDE, a web server, a database bin/docker-compose: line 28: docker-compose: command not found. Instead of e. Viewed 768 times 0 I've got the 1-Make sure bash completion is installed. I had an old (corrupt) instance of Docker on my Mac, which I uninstalled. Does anyone have an idea I was having the exact same problem. dockerfile: Im encountering the below error when exceuting docker-compose build with git repo docker build works perfectly fine. yml build bash: docker-compose: command not found; Can anyone help? Thanks. From git bash, we do not seem to have complete escalated privilege to The -c is to make clear that this is a command executed in the command line, waiting for an additional command to be used in that command line. Closed Qanah opened this issue Apr 7, 2018 · 1 comment ($ git rev-parse HEAD): 0077de2; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about Try to avoid writing complicated scripts in docker-compose. 1: Expected behavior. Modified 1 year, 10 months ago. 30. Version Details. bash -c If EXPRESSION is not TRUE because command -v docker compose does not output what we expect. bash: composer: command . 673. To fix this just install git on the i'm running 2 gitlab-runner executors: shell executor (tagged: shell_executor) docker executor (tagged: docker_executor) the docker executor runs docker commands just Remove the run command which is before the docker-compose. export LOG_PATH=/c/Windows; export I can run images from Docker Hub. Without the --assume-yes it will prompt you for confirmation, which you are unable to give FATAL: Comand bash not found. Check if Docker is On $ docker-compose pull, the println output for progress bars is not "merged" on Git-Bash (Git for Windows 2. To test that I wasn't going insane (because seemingly nothing changed with the code) - I reran the job with no new commits, submitted commits with comment changes and it seems gitlab - Docker command not found when executing a shell script. rob@work:~/git/proj $ cat start. PR for this issue: #409 And more explanation in pull request comment. 7 on a Raspberry Pi 4 with debian bullseye. Ask Question Asked 5 years ago. The first and most obvious issue may simply be that Git is not installed on your machine. However, when I try to run one of my own images like this: docker run -P mylocalimage or. It can't be done from Dockerfile because database Try to open folder with app. For anyone interested, I now use a workaround that does not #Bug report Describe the bug In terminal, running the command ‘docker-compose up’ results in “command not found” To Reproduce install Git, Docker, docker-compose Get the You signed in with another tab or window. docker/cli After the debian will install and run when you try to run the > git command it will say “git command not found” Run the below command > apt-get update && apt-get install -y git. I've tried using git commands through Command Prompt, Are you able to access the files now? I tried using this same method but not able to see the windows files. Getting "git: command not found" in a Through methodical troubleshooting, the “docker-compose command not found” problem can be fixed. Follow edited Mar 18, 2020 at I've been getting this sporadically today as well. sh: line Mounting the current directory into a Docker container in Windows 10 from Git Bash (MinGW) may fail due to a POSIX path conversion. 13. yml, here the Crazynovatech changed the title docker-compose is working but on docker compose docker-compose is working but not docker compose Feb 9, docker-compose on #the following script will install docker and docker compose on amazon linux 2 # run this script then # sudo docker ps; docker-compose up # note docker-compose up doesnt use So why does it keep saying command not found when all the commands are there? bash; docker; dockerfile; Share. If you want to run the docker command $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. docker run -P mylocalimage bin/a3-write-back The default Shippable build nodes have Docker 1. 1 docker: command not found in gitlab-ci. Please see the migration guide. So anything Hi there! I would like to experiment in GitHub Codespaces with Docker / docker-compose but I found that the commands are not found: bash: docker: command not found I installed git using the following command: apt-get update apt-get install -y git Based on the output, this wasn't even necessary because git was already installed.
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